Study-Unit Description

Study-Unit Description


TITLE Prevention Programs for Vulnerable Preschool and Elementary School Children

UM LEVEL 05 - Postgraduate Modular Diploma or Degree Course



DEPARTMENT Centre for Resilience and Socio-Emotional Health

DESCRIPTION This study-unit seeks to enable course participants to develop a deeper understanding of vulnerability in children especially those with special educational needs from the early years and elementary school. In a joint European Masters in Resilience in Educational Contexts students need to learn and be able to apply the necessarysteps to design, implement and evaluate prevention programs in order to the promote well-being and resilience of vulnerable young children.

Study-Unit Aims:

The study-unit aims to connect existing literature on evidence-based interventions for young children with special education needs in the school and family contexts, so that educators can utilize such interventions to promote the children's well being and resilience. The overall goal of the study-unit is to enable practitioners at school to design, implement and evaluate preventions programs tailored to the needs of school children, particularly young children in early years and primary school.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Knowledge & Understanding:

By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:

- Identify the necessary steps in designing prevention programs for young children;
- Understand the importance of the implementation stage in prevention programs and identify the practical strategies needed to ensure programme effectiveness for young vulnerable children;
- Critical review current prevention programs for young and vulnerable children grasping their strengths and limitations.

2. Skills:

By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:

- Acquire practical skills in designing prevention programs in schools in resilience from early years to late elementary school years;
- Develop strategies in effective evaluation (formative and summative) of prevention programs for young school children;
- Develop critical skills in developing or modifying cross-cultural prevention programs for young people.

Main Text/s and any supplementary readings:

Main Texts:

- Cefai, C., Miljeviü-Riÿiþki, R., Bouillet, D., Pavin Ivanec, T., Milanovic, M., Matsopoulos, A., Gavogiannaki, M., Zanetti, M.A., Cavioni, V., Bartolo, P., Galea, K., Simoes, C., Lebre, P., Caetano Santos, A., Kimber, B. & Eriksson, C. (2022) RESCUR Surfing The Waves.
- Resilience Curriculum for Early Years and Primary Schools. Teachers Guide Revised. Malta: Centre for Resilience and Socio-Emotional Health, University of Malta.
- Goldstein, S. and Brooks, R. B. (2013) Resilience in Children (2nd edition). NY: Springer Publications.

Supplementary Readings:

- Cefai, C. & Camilleri, L. (2015) A Healthy Start: Promoting mental health and wellbeing in the early primary school years. Emotional and Behaviour Difficulties, 20 (2), 133-152.
- Cefai, C. & Cavioni, V. (2013) Social and Emotional Education in primary school: Integrating theory and research into practice: New York: Springer.
- Durlak, J. A., Weissberg, R. P., Dymnicki, A. B., & Taylor, R. D. (2011) The impact of enhancing students’ social and emotional learning: A meta-analysis of school-based universal interventions. Child Development, 82,1, 474-501.
- Hostetler, M. Fisher, K. (1997) Project C.A.R.E. Substance Abuse prevention program for high-risk youth: A longitudinal evaluation of program effectiveness, Journal of Community Psychology, 25, 397-419
- Luthar, S. S., Crossman, E. J., & Small, P. J. (2015). Resilience and adversity. In R.M. Lerner and M. E. Lamb (Eds.). Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science (7th Edition, Vol. III, pp. 247286). New York: Wiley.
- Matsopoulos, A. (Ed) 2011 From Vulnerability to Resilience: Applications in Family and School Settings, Athens, Papazisis Publishing.
- Tanyu, M. (2007) Implementation of prevention programs: Lessons for future research and practice: A commentary on Social and Emotional Learning: Promoting the development of all students, A chapter by Joseph Zins and Maurice Elias, Journal of educational and psychological consultation, 17(2), 257- 262
- Weare, K., & Nind, M. (2011) Mental health promotion and problem prevention in schools: what does the evidence say? Health Promotion International, 26(suppl. 1), i29-i69.
- World Health Organization (2002) Prevention and promotion in mental health> Mental Health: Evidence and Research Department of Mental Health and Substance Dependence, Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization

STUDY-UNIT TYPE Lecture and Performance

Assessment Component/s Sept. Asst Session Weighting
Presentation 20%
Project 80%



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It should be noted that all the information in the description above applies to study-units available during the academic year 2024/5. It may be subject to change in subsequent years.