Study-Unit Description

Study-Unit Description


TITLE Promoting Positive Behaviour in the Early Years

UM LEVEL 03 - Years 2, 3, 4 in Modular Undergraduate Course



DEPARTMENT Centre for Resilience and Socio-Emotional Health

DESCRIPTION In the first part, this study-unit seeks to provide students with an understanding of social emotional development in young children and with practical strategies for creating social contexts promoting the healthy development of young children in this area. The students will gain an understanding of how experiences influence children’s behaviour and relationships and consequently their social and emotional health and resilience. They will examine the processes that contribute to young children’s social and emotional health and develop classroom strategies that will facilitate children’s healthy development and wellbeing. In the second part, students will discuss the nature and causes of challenging behaviour in the early years how classroom teachers may prevent and respond effectively to challenging behaviour in the classroom.

- Understanding social and emotional development and behaviour in young children
- Promoting social and emotional learning and resilience in the early years
- Identifying the cause of challenging behaviour; a bio-psychosocial model
- Preventative, lightweight and heavyweight measures in dealing with challenging behaviour in the early years
- Working with colleagues, parents and professionals in supporting young children with challenging behaviour

Study-unit Aims:

This study-unit aims to explore how to support the social and emotional development of primary school children, providing teachers with the tools to promote social and emotional competence in the classroom, as well as to gain an understanding of the nature and causes of challenging behaviour and to develop strategies to prevent and respond effectively to such behaviour.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Knowledge & Understanding:

By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:
- comprehend the nature and determinants of behaviour in young children;
- distinguish between normal developmental processes and behaviours which interfere with the children’s healthy development and learning;
- examine how the bio-psychosocial model provides an adequate explanation of social and emotional learning and challenging behaviour in the early years;
- discuss the role of early years teachers in teaching social and emotional skills and creating optimal learning environments that promote social and emotional competence and resilience amongst young children;
- discuss the role of early years teachers in preventing and responding effectively to the challenging in the early years at both individual and group levels.

2. Skills:

By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:
- create safe and healthy learning environments and experiences which enhance children’s social and emotional development and positive interactions;
- demonstrate strategies and techniques which foster social and emotional learning and resilience in young children;
- demonstrate and model social and emotional learning skills in the daily classroom practice;
- identify behaviour problems which require support and intervention as early as possible;
- assess social, emotional and behaviour difficulties making use of observational methods in natural settings;
- plan, implement and evaluate lightweight and heavyweight intervention strategies in seeking to bring about behaviour change in young children;
- work collaboratively with peers, parents and professionals in supporting the behaviour of the children under their care.

Main Text/s and any supplementary readings:

- Papatheodorou T. (2005) Behaviour Problems in the Early Years: Early Identification and Intervention. Routledge Falmer.
- Glen, A., Cousins, J. and Helps, A. (2003) Behaviour in the Early Years (Tried and Tested Strategies). David.
- Hart Bell, S. (2004) Challenging Behaviours in Early Childhood Settings: Creating a Place for All Children. Brookes Publishing Comp.
- Kay, J. (2007) Behavioural, Emotional and Social Difficulties: A Guide for the Early Years (Sen in the Early Years) Continuum.
- Swale, J. (2006) Setting the Scene for Positive Behaviour in the Early Years: A framework for good practice. Routledge.
- Rogers, B. (2009) How to Manage Children's Challenging Behaviour. London: Sage Publications.

Local studies:

- Cefai, C. and Cavioni, V. (2014) Social and Emotional Education in Primary School: Integrating Theory and Research into Practice. NY, USA: Springer Publications.
- Cefai, C. (2008) Promoting Resilience in the Classroom. A Guide for Developing Emotional and Cognitive Skills. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
- Cooper, P and Cefai C (2013) Students with Social, Emotional and Behaviour Difficulties. A Practical Guide for School Staff. Malta: EuroCentre for Educational Risilience, University of Malta.
- Cefai, C and Camilleri, L (2011) Building Resilience in School Children. Risk and Promotive Factors amongst Maltese Primary School Pupils. Malta: Euro Centre for Educational Resilience, University of Malta.

ADDITIONAL NOTES This study-unit is offered to B.Ed. (Hons) Early Childhood Education & Care students only.

STUDY-UNIT TYPE Lecture and Independent Study

Assessment Component/s Assessment Due Sept. Asst Session Weighting
Assignment SEM2 Yes 100%

LECTURER/S Carmel Cefai


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It should be noted that all the information in the description above applies to study-units available during the academic year 2024/5. It may be subject to change in subsequent years.