Study-Unit Description

Study-Unit Description


TITLE Social Skills Development

UM LEVEL 01 - Year 1 in Modular Undergraduate Course



DEPARTMENT Social Policy and Social Work

DESCRIPTION This study-unit aims to familiarise students with basic concepts and practices in respect of social skills. The study-unit will enable students to become aware of and evaluate their own social skills and to further develop their skills through training sessions within a group. It is intended to help students to strengthen their skills on personal, interpersonal and group levels. Sessions will focus on communication skills; self-awareness; managing conflict, solving problems and making decisions; and managing time, among others. The study-unit will consist of 22 two hour sessions, each focusing on a particular topic and will be based on experiential learning in training groups.

Knowledge and Understanding
By the end of this study-unit, students will be able to:

• Identify, articulate and display feelings in appropriate manner;
• Demonstrate behaviours consistent with being a good listener;
• Describe keys to effective communication;
• Describe the importance of body language for communicating meaning;
• Recognise the importance of non-verbal language in understanding and communicating with others;
• Identify the dynamics of shyness and anxiety, and the steps to manage these;
• Describe the steps in rational problem-solving;
• Describe the types of conflict and how to manage them;
• Describe how stress affects performance and may be managed well;
• Recognise the critical elements and behaviours of team-building and cooperation;
• Recognise the influence of family, peers, culture and media on personal behaviours;
• Discuss the various manifestations of anger and how it may be managed;
• Demonstrate an appreciation of diversity in social life.

By the end of this study-unit, students will be able to:

• Demonstrate reflexivity through weekly journalling;
• Demonstrate good listening skills;
• Demonstrate feelings appropriately;
• Communicate effectively and respectfully;
• Formulate constructive feedback and manage feedback received;
• Perform Actively in groupwork in a creative and responsible manner;
• Solve problems systematically;
• Demonstrate assertive behaviour, managing anger and conflict constructively;
• Analyse the causes of stress and take action to manage it well;
• Demonstrate responsibility for one's individual learning plan and desired outcomes.


This study-unit is based on experiential learning, which takes place within a group setting. Mutual trust, respect and collaboration are key ingredients in successfully completing this unit. This requires a committed presence from all members in the group, for one’s own learning and professional development as well as for other students and the group as a whole. In view of this, it is mandatory for students to attend all sessions.

In the event of serious reasons which would make it absolutely impossible for a student to attend, s/he may be given permission to absent her/himself from one session. Unjustified absence from more than 3 sessions "will lead to the student being declared ineligible for assessment of the unit, in which case a 0 mark and an F grade shall be assigned and recorded" (General Regulations, Clause 40[1]). If the absence from more than 3 sessions is justified, the student will get an ‘Incomplete’ and be allowed to refer the unit to the second year as long as they can progress conditionally.

Selected Bibliography:

- Carnegie, D. (1997). How to stop worrying and start living. London: Vermillion.
- Corey, G., & Schneider Corey, M. (2002). I never knew I had a choice: Explorations in personal growth. California: Brooks/Cole.
- Fensterheim, H., & Baer, J. (1989). Don’t say ‘yes’ when you want to say ‘no’. London: Futura.
- Kennerley, H. (1997). Overcoming anxiety: A self-help guide using cognitive behavioural techniques. London: Robinson.
- Lindenfield, G. (1995). Self-esteem. London: HarperCollins.
- Lindenfield, G. (2000). Managing anger: Simple steps to dealing with frustration and threat. London: Thorsons.
- Looker, T., & Gregson, O. (1997). Managing stress. London: Thorsons.
- Szuchman L.T.,& Thomlison B. (2004). Writing With Style - APA Style for Social Work (2nd ed.) Belmont: Brooks/Cole.


Assessment Component/s Assessment Due Sept. Asst Session Weighting
Presentation SEM2 Yes 20%
Assignment SEM2 Yes 35%
Logbook SEM2 Yes 45%

LECTURER/S Andreana Dibben
Damian Spiteri (Co-ord.)


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The availability of optional units may be subject to timetabling constraints.
Units not attracting a sufficient number of registrations may be withdrawn without notice.
It should be noted that all the information in the description above applies to study-units available during the academic year 2024/5. It may be subject to change in subsequent years.