Study-Unit Description

Study-Unit Description


TITLE Youth Work Core Skills 4: Transdisciplinarity and the Deconstruction of Professions

UM LEVEL 03 - Years 2, 3, 4 in Modular Undergraduate Course



DEPARTMENT Youth, Community and Migration Studies

DESCRIPTION This study-unit offers a way forward by developing the intellectual foundation for multiple ways of knowing and a system of values that is open, participatory, respectful, and focused on the “real world”. It advances the importance of new practical integrative research methods required for synthesizing and translating knowledge, and developing transdisciplinary research roles in service provision. What sets transdisciplinary studies apart from approaches to the study of the professions, is a particular emphasis on engagement, investigation and participation in addressing present-day issues and problems in a manner that explicitly destabilizes disciplinary boundaries while respecting disciplinary expertise. To this effect, the core content of this SU centres around three key concepts: transformative praxis, constructive problem-solving and real-world engagement.

Study-unit Aims

The transdisciplinary approach is a framework for allowing members of an educational team to contribute knowledge and skills, collaborate with other members, and collectively determine the services that would benefit young people.

According to Bruder (1994), "This approach integrates a child's developmental needs across the major developmental domains" and "involves a greater degree of collaboration than other service delivery models" (p. 61). "A transdisciplinary approach requires the team members to share roles and systematically cross discipline boundaries. The primary purpose of this approach is to pool and integrate the expertise of team members so that more efficient and comprehensive assessment and intervention services may be provided. The communication style in this type of team involves continuous give-and-take between all members (especially with the parents) on a regular, planned basis. Professionals from different disciplines teach, learn, and work together to accomplish a common set of intervention goals for a child and her family. The role differentiation between disciplines is defined by the needs of the situation rather than by discipline-specific characteristics. Assessment, intervention, and evaluation are carried out jointly by designated members of the team. This teamwork usually results in a decrease in the number of professionals who interact with the child on a daily basis." (p. 61). Bruder (1994) describes this approach in more detail:"A transdisciplinary approach requires the team members to share roles and systematically cross discipline boundaries. The primary purpose of this approach is to pool and integrate the expertise of team members so that more efficient and comprehensive assessment and intervention services may be provided.

Learning Outcomes

1. Knowledge & Understanding:

By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to conceptualise the theoretical and application dimensions of transdisciplinarity within the youth work context.

2. Skills:
By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:

(a) develop problem structuring and problem investigation skills;
(b) work in teams integrating diverse professions; and,
(c) participate in the sharing of expertise, values and experiences with other professionals.

Main Text/s and any supplementary readings

Hunsinger, J. (2005). “Towards a Transdisciplinary Understanding of Internet Research”. Information Society. 21(4)

Hunsinger, J. and Nolan, J. (2008). Transdisciplinary studies. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Hunsinger, J. (2008) "Becoming Transdisciplinary: Globalizing Virtuality Studies in the Social World". edited by Niki Panteli and Mike Chiasson. Palgrave.

Nicolescu, B. (2008). Transdisciplinarity: Theory and practice. Hampton Press.

Hirsch Hadorn, G., Hoffmann-Riem, H., Biber-Klemm, S., Grossenbacher-Mansuy W., Joye, D., Pohl, C., Wiesmann, U., Zemp, E. (Editors) (2008).

Handbook of Transdisciplinary Research. Springer Publisheres.


STUDY-UNIT TYPE Lecture and Independent Study

Assessment Component/s Assessment Due Sept. Asst Session Weighting
Assignment See note below Yes 100%
Note: Assessment due will vary according to the study-unit availability.

LECTURER/S Amanda Bezzina


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The availability of optional units may be subject to timetabling constraints.
Units not attracting a sufficient number of registrations may be withdrawn without notice.
It should be noted that all the information in the description above applies to study-units available during the academic year 2024/5. It may be subject to change in subsequent years.