Study-Unit Description

Study-Unit Description


TITLE Fieldwork Placement 4

UM LEVEL 03 - Years 2, 3, 4 in Modular Undergraduate Course



DEPARTMENT Youth, Community and Migration Studies

DESCRIPTION This study-unit builds on Fieldwork 3 offering students the opportunity to practise their knowledge and understanding of the principles and practice of youth and community work and group work. The unit will involve practice time in an appropriate community and youth work agency. This supervised practice will provide opportunities for the student to:
a) develop practice competencies; and
b) examine the application of theory to practice.

Study-unit Aims

This study-unit is aimed at enabling students to undertake a supervised practical experience in a Youth and Community Work setting to achieve youth and community work knowledge, values, and skills, including a rapport with young people, the agency and volunteers and professional staff.

Learning Outcomes

1. Knowledge & Understanding:
By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:

• show initiative and independent action;
• promote a culture of health and safety and welfare of young people;
• enable young people to explore and develop their values and self-respect;
• know how to identify, build and manage partnerships with key strategic partners in the community to enable young people become more connected in their locality and focus better on their needs and aspirations;
• provide information to aid policy formation and the improvement of practices and services;
• work in ways which promote equality of opportunity, participation and responsibility.

2. Skills:
By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:

• critically evaluate self-learning and development;
• participate in placement supervision through critical analysis of own and others’ work;
• give and receive feedback on others’ and own evaluation of practice;
• assess the relevance of the studies to the development of practice strategies.

Main Text/s and any supplementary readings

Gilchrist, A. ( 2004). The Well Connected Community: A Networking Approach to Community Development. Bristol: Policy Press.
Hawkins, P and Shohet, R (2006) Supervision in the Helping Professions 2nd Ed. Buckingham: OUP.
Schon, D (1983) The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action. New York: Basic Books.
Smith C. (2004). Circle Time for Adolescents: A Seven Session Programme for 14 to 16 Year Olds. London: SAGE (Lucky Duck Book Series).
Smith, A. (1994). Creative Outdoor Work with Young People. Dorset, UK: RHP.
Thompson, N. (2006). Anti-Discriminatory Practice. London: Palgrave Macmillan.


ADDITIONAL NOTES This study-unit is only offered to BA(Hons) in Youth and Community Studies students.

STUDY-UNIT TYPE Independent Study, Fieldwork and Seminar

Assessment Component/s Assessment Due Sept. Asst Session Weighting
Reflective Diary SEM2 Yes 10%
Report SEM2 Yes 30%
Fieldwork SEM2 Yes 60%

LECTURER/S Stephania Fenech


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The availability of optional units may be subject to timetabling constraints.
Units not attracting a sufficient number of registrations may be withdrawn without notice.
It should be noted that all the information in the description above applies to study-units available during the academic year 2024/5. It may be subject to change in subsequent years.