We recommend you contact any academic member of staff from the Institute, for more information on preparing a proposal relating to specific PhD research topics, and available opportunities for funding. The documents which new PhD applicants are required to provide are listed in the following link: https://esims.um.edu.mt/esims/sits.urd/run/siw_ipp_lgn.login?process=siw_ipp_enq&code1=PHDCOURSES
All new applicants are to always provide a Bench Fees Approval Form, even if no bench fees are due. If so, a zero should be entered and all parties are to sign the form. The form may be accessed here.
You may visit the Doctoral School website, which provides information about what your PhD journey will be like once you enrol for your doctoral studies: https://www.um.edu.mt/doctoralschool/
Please refer to the International Office website on the following link: https://www.um.edu.mt/international/students/
For further assistance, queries may be sent on the following email address: international@um.edu.mt
In order to appoint another supervisor, students may send a request to the Officer in Charge at the Institute of Digital Game with the following information:
In cases where the proposed supervisory member is a non-resident academic, a copy of his/her CV is to be provided. The CV must include email, postal address, and name of affiliated institution.
This request may be written in the form of an email with the following details:
NB: during an extension, students are not allowed to change their status from full time to part time or vice versa (Doctoral School Guidelines, August 2022) Change in status from full time to part time or vice versa. Students may send a request by email with the following information:
Students must request the IDG Doctoral Committee in writing through the Officer in Charge to transfer their studies from M.Phil. to Ph.D. level after 12 months and not later than 24 months of full-time study. At least 3 months before this time period (after 12 months an not later than 24 months of full-time study) the student must submit Form 07 (intention to submit form) followed by the transfer report as well. Together with their supervisor they will need to propose a transfer assessment board (TAB) to be approved by Senate using Form 08.
Upon submission of transfer report on VLE, students are also required to send the following
documents via email:
Keep in mind that transfers from M.Phil to Ph.D. need to be approved by Senate. You can find an overview of Senate meetings in the University academic calendar.
Before submitting the PhD thesis students need to submit Form 01 with their intention to submit to the Office in Charge, this should be followed by the Form 02 setting up the PhD examiner's board.
Upon submission of PhD thesis on VLE, students are to also send the following documents
via email to the Officer in Charge:
On successful completion of their studies, students shall be required to submit to the
Institute two hard bound copies of the thesis and one copy in digital format within six weeks
from the publication of their result. The digital copy will be published in the library and should be sent to the Officer in Charge in the format required by the Library.