Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Educational Research

Book reviews

Book reviews

1. Review of C. Bezzina (1999) 'Opening Doors to School Improvement, in Education 2000, No.5, 4-5.

1. Review of A. Green (1997) Education, Globalization and the Nation State, in British Journal of Sociology of Education, 19(4), 575-578.

1. Review of I. Farag (ed.), L’Education en Egypte, in Pedagogica Historica, 32(2), 537-541.

1. Review of Les Terry, Helen Borland & Ron Adams To Learn More than I Have...The Educational Aspirations of the Maltese in Melbourne, in Sunday Times of Malta, 13 March.
2. Review of L. Mjelde, Apprenticeship: From Practice to Theory and Back Again, in British Journal of Education and Work, 7(2), 82-84.

1. Review of A.Miller, A.G. Watts & I. Jamieson Rethinking Work Experience, in British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 20(3), 366-369.
2. Review of W.E. Myers (ed.) Protecting Working Children, in British Journal of Education and Work, 5(2),  80-82.
3. Review of M. Lipman Thinking in Education, in McGill Journal of Education, 27(2), 223-226.

1. Review of  M.Cole (ed.) Bowles and Gintis Revisited: Correspondence and Contradiction in Educational Theory; W. Secada (ed.) Equity in Education; B. Cosin et al. School, Work and Equity: A Reader, in British Journal of Education and Work, 4(1), 96-99.2. Review of J.C. Walker Louts and Legends: Male Youth Culture in an Inner City School, in British Journal of Education and Work, 4(3), 89-91.

1. ‘From school to where?  Asking the right questions in the field of education’, in New Zealand Counselling and Guidance Association Journal, 9(1), 51-56.