Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Educational Research

Latest issue

Latest issue

The latest MJES special thematic issues published as paperback volumes

Career Guidance and Livelihood Planning across the Mediterranean: Challenging Transitions for South Europe and the MENA Region.
R.G. Sultana (ed.)(2017) Rotterdam: Sense Publishers

The Teacher, Literature, and the Mediterranean. S. Galea & A. Grima (eds)(2014)  Rotterdam: Sense Publishers

Mediterranean Art and Education: Navigating Local, Regional and Global Imaginaries through the Lens of the Arts and Learning. J. Baldacchino & R. Vella (eds)(2013). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers

Education, Politics, and Disagreement: Theoretical Articulations. Tomasz Szkudlarek (ed.)(2013). Rotterdam. Sense Publishers

Private Tuition across the Mediterranean Region: Power Dynamics and Implications for Learning and Equity. M. Bray, A.E. Mazawi & R.G. Sultana (eds)(2012). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers

Educators of the Mediterranean: Up Close and Personal - Critical Voices from South Europe and the MENA region. R.G. Sultana (editor)(2011). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.