The Department of Electrical Engineering forms part of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Malta. The department has been at the forefront of research and lecturing in various areas of electrical engineering: Power Electronics and Distributed Generation; Power Systems and Grid Integration of Renewable Energy Sources (RES); Electrical Machines and Drives; and Electrical Services. We strive to achieve excellence in these areas by our contribution to lecturing, research and innovation in collaboration with both local and international partners and academic/research institutions.
We are responsible for teaching study-units in the area of Electrical Engineering within the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Electrical and Electronic Engineering degree offered by the Faculty of Engineering. The study-units include core modules of the B.Eng.(Hons) degree such as basic circuit theory in first year and power electronics in the second year of the degree. These lead to more applied Electrical Engineering topics in the third and fourth year modules such as Grid Integration of Renewable Energy Sources, Power Electronic Converters and Electrical Machines and Drives. These study-units cover both the theoretical and practical components of the relevant subject area. The academic members of the department are also actively involved in supervision of undergraduate students undertaking their final year dissertation.
Our academic staff members are actively involved in state-of-the-art research and strive to achieve research excellence in: Electrical Drives; Electric Transportation; Renewable Energy Systems for Grid Integration; Microgrids and Smart Grids; Energy Efficiency in Domestic, Commercial and Industrial Applications; Design of Electromagnetic Systems; Power Converters; Power Quality and EMC. Research programmes leading to M.Phil., M.Sc. (by research) and Ph.D. degrees are also offered to postgraduate students in research areas where staff members are active.
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