Engineering Internship Scheme

Summer 2024 Engineering Internship Scheme

The Faculty of Engineering (FOE) at the University of Malta does its utmost to impart sound scientific foundations to future engineers. For the holistic formation of engineering graduates, the Faculty considers it of great relevance to also offer students the opportunity of approved summer internship placements. In this respect, the Faculty's Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) that involves representatives from a number of local engineering stakeholders has over recent months designed a student engineering internship scheme.  Work placements made as interns by Faculty students at Approved Engineering Intern Host Organisations will be recorded on the student’s degree transcript. The Faculty of Engineering thus strongly encourages students to apply for a Summer Internship period with one of the approved organisations. 

4 images related to the engineering internship scheme

Employers Applying for Engineering Interns                      17.00 of 29.03.2024
submit all requested documentation online

List of approved employers published                                17.00 of 12.04.2024
on Faculty webpage

Students apply for Summer 2024 internship                      17.00  of  03.05.2024

Employers interview short listed students                          17.00 of 17.05.2024
and inform Faculty of outcome

Employers, student interns & University                             17.00 of 28.06.2024
endorse tripartite agreements

Summer 2024 Internship Period                                          01.07.2024 to 30.09.2024

Engaging a Faculty of Engineering (FOE) student to perform work at your organisation under the guidance of a mentor, is one way of how you can invest in the career formation of future engineers, a commitment that can be considered as a demonstration of your organisation’s corporate social responsibility. In addition, an internship period allows organisations to get to know better individual students and thus help you gain insight on whom to possibly recruit in the near future.   

If approved as a FOE intern host organisation:

(a) you are allowed to announce this status in your PR communications


(b) your organisation will be listed on the Faculty website as one of the approved organisations 

To proceed with applying to become a FOE approved intern host organisation, please check the selection criteria and fill in the online application form, complete with the mentoring plan and submit all the requested information/documents by the stipulated deadline.

A Summer internship period is in essence a period of time gaining work experience within a local engineering related organisation that has been vetted by the Faculty of Engineering. An internship is one of the best ways of how you as a student can find out whether working with a specific organisation is something  you would like to pursue once you finish your degree. Equally important, an internship period allows organisations to get to know you better and thus the time you spend with them as an intern can help them decide on whom to recruit in the future. During the internship period (from the end of Semester 2 right up to the beginning of the next academic year), you  will be assigned tasks by which you can get a feel of engineering work once you graduate.   

You will perform these tasks on site at the organisation recruiting you under the guidance of a engineering mentor employed by the organisation. The internship period will also help you meet other engineers and workers in these organisations, thus enabling you to establish industry contacts. For work performed as an intern, you will be paid by the host organisation.    

At the end of your internship period, you will submit a logbook of work performed for endorsement by your mentor. This logbook outlining the work performed  will be used from your end to get your internship period formally recognized as a DegreePlus work placement, that will feature on your degree transcript. The logbook should be retained from your end, as this experience can contribute to the period of not less than one year spent undergoing practical engineering training as stipulated in the Engineering Profession Act (CAP 321) as one of the requirements to attain the Inġ. warrant. As an aspiring engineer, you should not underestimate the valuable experience you can gain through an internship period. The Faculty thus strongly recommends you invest in such a placement with one of the Approved Intern Organisations. Self organised work placements do not form part of this Engineering Internship scheme.

Student Application Form

Internship Weekly Reporting Template