In 1991 the Council of the University of Malta approved the Statute creating the Institute for European Studies, previously known as the European Documentation and Research Centre (EDRC), at the University of Malta, incorporating within it the European Documentation Centre herein after the IES Library (EDC). The Institute of European Studies’s main objective is to encourage the study of European integration and co-operation and by hosting the Institute Library it ensures that the University Community and the general public have access to the legislation and documentation produced by the European Union. It forms part of Europe Direct, a free information service on the EU. Find our more about Europe Direct and EDCs.
The IES Library (EDC) was originally set up at the University of Malta in the early 1970s, soon after Malta had concluded an Association Agreement with the European Economic Community (1970) and it is the only EDC in Malta.
As of 1997 a large amount of information on the activities of the EU is available online.
The IES Library (EDC) receives all of the main publications of the institutions and agencies of the European Union. However in recent years the distribution of these documents by Brussels has become more selective. In recent years, the library has been investing in books and now boasts of a sizeable collection of monographs on titles related to European politics, economics, law, international relations, climate change and research methods, amongst others.
The library is situated in the Institute for European Studies and is open to all students and the general public. Questions and requests can be submitted by email. Get to know where we are located.
All holdings present in the library are catalogued in the UM's Main Library HyDi catalogue.
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Yes, some books can be borrowed for a one week loan period whilst other books (and all dissertations) can only be consulted within the library. However, photocopying facilities are available.
Copies can be made using a photocopy card which can be purchased at the IES Library (EDC). or the University Library for EUR 6.00 or EUR 4.70 in exchange for the empty card.
Yes, Wireless Network Access is available and laptops may be used in the IES Library (EDC).
The IES Library (EDC) is equipped with a photocopier. Photocopy cards can be bought from the Main Library, the EDC and also online. The IES Library (EDC) also has a printer and printing can be done via the IT Services Printing Credits.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday (excluding public holidays or unless otherwise stated)
Wednesday: closed
16 September - 30 September
08:00 - 12:30
13:30 - 15:30
1 October - 15 June
08:00 - 12:30
13:30 - 16:00
16 June - 30 June
08:00 - 12:30
13:30 - 15:30
1 July - 15 September
08:00 - 13:00
Mr Stefan Bezzina
Telephone +356 2340 3386