Arab Human Development Reports (AHDRs) engage institutions and citizens in the Arab countries in global concerns so as to build understanding and consensus around regional and national development priorities.
The Arena Working Papers, are published by the Arena Centre for European Studies, a research centre studying the dynamics of the evolving European systems of governance.
The Chaillot Papers, published by the European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS), are monographs on topical questions written either by a member of the EUISS research team or by outside authors chosen and commissioned by the Institute.
Chatham House Reports and Papers on international affairs
Clingendael (Netherlands Institute of International Relations) Papers provide policy-oriented reflection on topical issues in diplomacy and security, the European Union, Asia and the Middle East
Collegium is an academic journal published by the academic assistants and students of the College of Europe.
The European Industrial Relations Observatory (EIRO) is a monitoring instrument offering news and analysis on European industrial relations.
European Integration online Papers (EIoP) publishes scientific analyses of political, legal, economic, historical and sociological questions in relation to European integration.
European Journal of International Law (EJIL)
European Policy Centre, online journal is the work of an independent, not-for-profit think tank, committed to making European integration work.
European Research Papers Archive (ERPA) is a common access point for various online series in the field of European integration research.
Europe’s World is an independent Europe-wide policy journal, produced in association with some 130-plus leading European think tanks and academic institutions.
Foreign Affairs is published by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), a non-profit and non-partisan membership organisation dedicated to improving the understanding of U.S. foreign policy and international affairs through the free exchange of ideas.
FRIDE is a European tink tank for global action, which provides innovative thinking and analyses of the key debates in international relationals.
Institute for European Environmental Policy is an independent research organisation concerned with policies affecting the environment in Europe and beyond.
Istituto Affari Internazionale (IAI) Research Papers and Working Papers presenting analytical and/or policy-oriental analyses of topical issues in Italian, European and global affairs.
Journal of Common Market Studies (JCMS) covers the latest European integration issues.
Journal of Contemporary European Research (JCER) is an open-access, academic journal published by the University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES) in conjunction with the UACES Student Forum.
Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) Policy Papers are a series of timely reports, with policy recommendations on topical arms control and security issues
The Institute of International and European Affairs Research aims to provide high-level analysis and forecasts of the challenges on the global and EU policy agendas which impact on Ireland. It acts as a catalyst for new thinking, new solutions and policy options, which give its members from the private and public sector a significant competitive advantage.
The Oxford Institute for Energy Studies Publications concentrate on research in energy issues of international significance or issues which have implications for the interface of producers and consumers.
Authenticity declaration forms
B. Euro. Stud./M.A./Diploma assignments
B. Euro. Stud. dissertation
M.A. dissertation
Doctoral thesis
Dissertation/long essay proposal forms
Bachelor of European Studies (Hons)
M.A. in European Politics, Economics and Law
M.A. in European Integration Studies