Institute for European Studies



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Annual Publication Series:

Harwood, M., Moncada, S., Pace, R. (eds.) (2020) The Future of Europe: Demisting the Debate. Institute for European Studies, Malta.

Harwood, M., Moncada, S., Pace, R. (eds.) (2018) Malta’s EU Presidency: A Study in a Small State Presidency of the Council of the EU. Malta University Publishing, Malta.

‘Reflections of a Decade of EU Membership: Expectations, Achievements, Disappointments and the Future’ Occasional Papers:

Harwood, M. (2014) ‘Ten Years of EU Membership - The Maltese Parliament’, Reflections of a Decade of EU Membership: Expectations, Achievements, Disappointments and the Future Occasional Papers, No. 1, Institute for European Studies (Malta).

Ellul, J. (2014) ‘The Catholic identity of Malta after ten years of European Union membership: challenges and prospects’. Reflections of a Decade of EU Membership: Expectations, Achievements, Disappointments and the Future Occasional Papers, No. 2, Institute for European Studies (Malta). 

Baldacchino, G. (2014) Malta transformed by multi-level governance: more than just an outcome of Europeanisation. Reflections of a Decade of EU Membership: Expectations, Achievements, Disappointments and the Future, Reflections of a Decade of EU Membership: Expectations, Achievements, Disappointments and the Future Occasional Papers, No. 3, Institute for European Studies (Malta).

Clarke, J. (2014) ‘Ten Years of Judicial Cooperation’, Reflections of a Decade of EU Membership: Expectations, Achievements, Disappointments and the Future Occasional Papers, No. 4, Institute for European Studies (Malta). 

Vassallo, M. (2015) ‘The Europeanisation of Maltese interest groups: a comparative study after the first decade of EU membership’, Reflections of a Decade of EU Membership: Expectations, Achievements, Disappointments and the Future Occasional Papers, No. 5, Institute for European Studies (Malta).

Von Brockdorff, P. (2015) ‘Sectoral impact: an insight into how the Maltese dairy sector adapted to EU membership’, Reflections of a Decade of EU Membership: Expectations, Achievements, Disappointments and the Future Occasional Papers, No. 6, Institute for European Studies (Malta).

Briguglio, M. (2015) ‘Ten years of Malta’s EU membership - the impact on Maltese environmental NGOs’, Reflections of a Decade of EU Membership: Expectations, Achievements, Disappointments and the Future Occasional Papers, No. 7, Institute for European Studies (Malta).

Fabri, D. (2015) ‘A decade after EU membership: price control law in Malta revisited’, Reflections of a Decade of EU Membership: Expectations, Achievements, Disappointments and the Future Occasional Papers, No. 8, Institute for European Studies (Malta).

Fernandez, B. (2016) ‘Changes in Malta's migration and asylum policies after EU membership’, Reflections of a Decade of EU Membership: Expectations, Achievements, Disappointments and the Future Occasional Papers, No. 9, Institute for European Studies (Malta). 

  1. Xuereb Peter G. (ed.). 'Issues in Social Policy: A New Agenda - A Public Dialogue Document', ISBN:978-999909-67-53-1, Progress Press 2009, paperback, 60 pages, price €20. 
  2. Xuereb Peter G. (ed.), 'The Lisbon Treaty and its Implications – A Public Dialogue Document', ISBN: 978-99909-67-51-7, Publishers Enterprises Group Ltd 2008, paperback, 85 pages, price €20. 
  3. Xuereb Peter G. (ed.), 'A Public Dialogue Document on the New European Treaties', ISBN: 978-99909-67-45-6, Progress Press 2007, paperback, 64 pages, price €20. 
  4. Xuereb Peter G. (ed.), 'The Constitution for Europe: An Evaluation', ISBN: 978-99909-67-24-5, Media Centre Print 2005, paperback, 190 pages, price, €18.64. 
  5. Xuereb Peter G. (ed), 'The Value(s) of a Constitution for Europe', ISBN: 99909-67-28-8, Media Centre Print 2004, paperback, 152 pages, price, €18.64 
  6. Xuereb Peter G. (ed), 'The Future of the European Union:  Unity in Diversity', ISBN: 99909-67-11-3 Publishers Enterprises Group Ltd 2002, paperback, 302 pages, price, €18.64. 
  7. Xuereb Peter G. (ed), 'Malta and the EU:  Together in Change?' ISBN:  99909-67-09-1, Publishers Enterprises Group Ltd 2001, paperback, 300 pages, price, €11.65. 
  8. Xuereb Peter G. (ed), "Challenges of Change" ISBN 99909-67-08-3, Publishers Enterprises Group Ltd 2000, paperback, 245 pages, price, €11.65. 
  9. Xuereb Peter G. (ed), "Getting Down to Gearing Up for Europe" ISBN 99909-67-06-7, Progress Press, Malta 1999, paperback, 270 pages, price, €11.65. 
  10. Xuereb Peter G. (ed), 'Malta, The European Union and the Mediterranean:  Closer Relations in the Wider Context'.  ISBN  99909-67-04-0,  Publishers Enterprises Group Ltd 1998,  paperback, 382 pages,  price, €11.65. 
  11. Xuereb Peter G. (ed), 'The Individual in the European Union and Malta: Some Central Issues', ISBN 99909-67-03-2, Publishers Enterprises Group Ltd 1997, paperback, 298 pages, price, €11.65. 
  12. Xuereb Peter G. and Pace Roderick (eds), 'The European Union, The IGC and The Mediterranean - State of the European Union Conference 1996' ISBN 9909-67-02- 4 Publishers Enterprises Group Ltd 1996, paperback, 318 pages, price, €11.65. 
  13. Professor John Usher 'Malta and the EU Three Issues'.  ISBN 99909-67-00-8, Malta University Press 1995, paperback, 45 pages, price, €5.83 
  14. Xuereb Peter G. and Pace Roderick (eds), 'Economic and Legal Reform in Malta - State of the European Union Conference 1995'.  ISBN 99909-67-01-6, Malta University Press 1995, paperback, 419 pages, price, €11.65 
  15. Xuereb Peter G. and Pace Roderick (eds), 'The State of the European Union - 1994'.  ISBN 99909-965-4-7, Progress Press, Malta 1994, paperback, 241 pages, price, €11.65

The publications are available from our Institute.
Contact us to place an order.

  1. Xuereb Peter G. (ed.), 'Malta in the European Union: Five Years On And Looking To The Future', ISBN: 978-99909-67-54-8, Progress Press Ltd 2009, paperback, 228 pages, price €25.00. 
  2. Xuereb Peter G. (ed.), 'The Fight Against Poverty', ISBN: 978-99909-67-49-4, Publishers Enterprises Group Ltd 2008, paperback, 301 pages, price €23.29. 
  3. Xuereb Peter G. (ed.), 'The Good Company: Business Ethics in the EU and Malta', ISBN: 978-99909-67-47-0, P.E.G. 2007, 105 pages, price, €11.65. 
  4. Xuereb Peter G. (ed.), 'Business Ethics and Religious Values in the European Union and Malta: For A Moral Level Playing Field', ISBN: 978-99909-67-43-2, P.E.G. 2007, paperback, 279 pages, price, €23.30. 
  5. Xuereb Peter G. (ed.), "The Family, Law, Religion and Society in the European Union and Malta", ISBN: 99909-67-40-7, Dormax Press 2006, paperback, 309 pages, price, €23.30. 
  6. Xuereb Peter G. (ed.), 'Anti-Discrimination, Inclusion and Equality in Malta', ISBN: 99909-67-37-7, Progress Press Ltd.2005, paperback, 269 pages, price, €23.30.
  1. Frendo Henry, 'L-Identità Ewropea: Tezisti' ISBN: 99909-67-10-5,   Media Centre Print 2002, 10 pages, price, €2.33 
  2. Friggieri Oliver, 'Malta f’Salib it-Toroq: L-Unjoni Ewropea u l-Kwistjoni Kulturali' ISBN: 99909-67-12-1, Media Centre Print 2002, price, €2.33 
  3. Xuereb Peter G., 'The Future of Europe: Solidarity and Constitutionalism - Towards a Solidarity Model' ISBN: 99909-67-16-4 Media Centre Print 2002, 18 pages, price, €2.33 
  4. Greaves Rosa, 'How Should the EU Constitution in an Enlarged Community Safeguard Micro Island States?' ISBN: 99909-67-14-8 Media Centre Print 2002, 13 pages, price, €2.33 
  5. Griffiths Gerwyn L.H., 'Towards a European Law of Property?' ISBN: 99909-67-17-2, Media Centre 2002, 17 pages, price, €2.33 
  6. Viola Donatella Maria, 'The European Parliament as an Actor in European Union Foreign Policy', ISBN: 99909-67-20-2, Media Centre Print 2003, 26 pages, price, €2.33 
  7. Consiglio John A., 'Bank Soundness and Macroeconomic Policy in the EU CCs – 1980 to 1996', ISBN: 99909-67-13-X, Media Centre Print 2003, price, €2.33
  8. Serracino Inglott Peter, 'Giscard and His Fellowship: A Dwarf’s Eye View of our Quest for a Constitutional Treaty', ISBN: 99909-67-31-8, Media Centre Print 2004, price, €2.33 
  9. Borg Joe, 'Europe and the Mediterranean – A New Policy for Old Neighbours?', ISBN: 99909-67-26-1, Media Centre Print 2004, price, €2.33 
  10. Zank Wolfgang, 'The New Politics of EU’s Eastern Enlargement', ISBN: 99909-67-27-X, Media Centre Print, price, €2.33 
  11. Asciak Michael, 'The Threat to Human Rights Posed by New Techniques in Biotechnology', ISBN: 99909-67-32-6, Media Centre Print 2004, price, €2.33 
  12. Harwood Mark, 'The EU’s Fight Against Terrorism: Disappointment Thus Far? Prospects for the Future?', ISBN: 99909-67-33-4, Media Centre Print 2004, price, €2.33

[N.B. All prices exclusive of postage and  packing]

  1. Xuereb Peter G. (ed.), 'The European Union and the Mediterranean: The Mediterranean’s European Challenge Volume V', ISBN 99909-67-34-2, Media Centre Print 2004, paperback, 768 pages, price, €34.95. 
  2. Xuereb Peter G. (ed), 'Euro-Med Integration and the Ring of Friends' - The Mediterranean's European Challenge Volume IV" ISBN: 99909-67-22-9, Media Centre Print 2003, paperback, 401 pages, price, €18.64. 
  3. Xuereb Peter G. (ed), 'Euro-Mediterranean Integration - The Mediterranean’s European Challenge Volume III" ISBN: 99909-67-18-0, Publishers Enterprises Group Ltd 2002, paperback, 423 pages, price, €18.64. 
  4. Xuereb Peter G. (ed), 'The Mediterranean's European Challenge - Volume II" ISBN 99909-67-07-5, Publishers Enterprises Group Ltd 2000, paperback, 298 pages, price, €11.65. 
  5. Xuereb Peter G.  (ed),  'The Mediterranean's European Challenge - Volume I"  ISBN 99909-67-05-9,  Media Centre Print  1998,  paperback, 192 pages,  price, €11.65.

ISSN 1023 - 0939  (Price per copy: €4.66)

  1. Whish Richard (Professor, King's College, London), 'European Union Competition Law'
  2. Sant Cassia Sabine, 'The Mediterranean Programmes of the EC's New Mediterranean Policy'
  3. Xuereb Peter G. 'A New Company Law for Malta'
  4. Xuereb Peter G. 'The Maltese Companies Bill'
  5. Xuereb Peter G. 'Legal Parameters For Competition In A Borderless Europe'
  6. Pace Gabriella, 'The European Union Citizenship - What does it mean?'
  7. Gauci Stefan Patrick and Sammut Ivan, 'The Institutions of The European Union in Light of the Amsterdam European Council'
  8. Zammit Brigitte, 'The European Court of Justice After Amsterdam'
  9. Micallef Grimaud Jean, 'Flexibility and Subsidiarity'
  10. Schranz John, 'Reforms to CFSP and JHA In Amsterdam Treaty'
  11. Portelli Stephanie, 'Safeguard Measures'
  12. Micallef Grimaud Jean, 'An Overview of EC Policy On Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)'
  13. Schranz John, 'The Element of Cumulation In The New Generation Agreements Of The EU'
  14. Gauci Stefan Patrick and Grima Stefan, 'Fighting Unemployment in The European Union' 
  15. Bugeja Collette and Bugeja Rosanne, 'Transport in Europe With Special Reference to the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership". 
  16. Azzopardi Josianne, 'The Rights of Workers in the Event of Transfer of Undertakings'
  17. Gauci Daniela, 'Insurance Intermediaries and Investment Management in the EC'
  18. Buttigieg Miriam, 'Part-Time Employment in the EU:  A Challenge for Malta'

ISSN 1023 - 1633 (Price per copy: EUR 5.83)

  1. Zahra Helga, 'EC Law and Policy On State Aids And The Possible Effects On The Maltese Legal Position'
  2. Gatt Bernardette, 'The Jurisdictional Aspects of Regulation 4064/89 on the Control of Concentrations Between Undertakings'
  3. Buttigieg Eugene, 'The De Minimis Doctrine in EC Competition Law'
  4. Usher John, 'The IGC - Where will it end?'
  5. Zahra Helga J. 'Preferential Rules of Origin as an EC Trade Policy Instrument with Particular Reference to Malta'
  6. Usher John, 'Tax Discrimination, Capital Movements and the Single Market' 
  7. Usher John, 'The Intergovernmental Conference - Flexibility in Action?'