Psalms International Conference 2025



The Text of the Psalter

Status Quæstionis, New Approaches, Open Issues



Since at least the publication of the ground breaking monograph of G.H. Wilson in 1985, the discussion around the history of formation and the interpretation of the Psalter enjoyed a huge development. Among others, the scholarly debate focused on the differences between the synchronic and diachronic methodological approaches and tried to work out a comprehensive model for the reconstruction of the Redaktionsgeschichte of the book and its interpretation. In recent times the landscape of Psalter research has been enriched by the contribution of the Hebrew (DSS) and Greek textual traditions. The insights gained by the study of the manuscript tradition of the Psalms – notoriously, one of the most complex among Old Testament books – calls for a more nuanced approach and a new methodological model. In this regard, research greatly benefitted from the recent publication of two collective volumes (A. Brodersen – F. Neumann – D. Davage [edd.], Intertextualität und die Entstehung des Psalters [FAT II.; Tübingen 2020]; G. Barbiero – M. Pavan – J. Schnocks [edd.], The Formation of the Hebrew Psalter. The Book of Psalms between Ancient Versions, Material Transmission and Canonical Exegesis [FAT I.151; Tübingen 2021]), but there is still more work to be done.

The meeting, organised conjointly between members from different Italian and Maltese institutions, aims to gather scholars from different fields of research (especially experts on the manuscript tradition and exegetes of the Psalter) to stimulate discussion on the formation and interpretation of the Psalms in the light of manuscript evidence. What is the impact of the study of the manuscript tradition on the methodological discussion about the reconstruction of the Redaktionsgeschichte of the Psalter? Does textual evidence still support the idea of the Psalter as a book? What is the relationship between the Hebrew, Greek, and Syriac manuscript traditions of the Psalter? This, indeed, is only a sample of the kind of questions scholars are invited to tackle or reformulate according to their own expertise.

The meeting will be hosted by the University of Malta (L-Università ta’ Malta) and will take place at the Valletta Campus on 25-27 March 2025.

Scientific committee:

Prof. Dr Daniela Scialabba (Pontificio Istituto Biblico)
Rev. Prof. Dr Marco Pavan (Pontificia Università S. Tommaso D'Aquino)
Rev. Prof. Dr Stefan M. Attard (L-Università ta’ Malta)