You can submit your initial paper here
Final Paper Submission:
Papers rejection/acceptance notification is scheduled for February 14, 2025. This is the information you will need to submit your final paper. Additional instructions will be included in a separate email(s).
Paper and poster template:
Instructions for Authors to Create a PDF File for Final Submission:
Step 1: Before Creating Your PDF File
Step 2: Create your PDF eXpress Account
Contacting PDF eXpress Support
Access the Publications Support Center for IEEE PDF eXpress.
If you do not find an answer in the Find Answers tab, go to the “Ask A Question” tab.
Step 3: Paper Upload
After careful verification of your PDF, upload your final paper using the link and the code that were sent you in the acceptance e-mail. Please note that this code is valid for a SINGLE submission of your final paper ONLY. You will also need to include your registration number which you will receive after registering for the workshop.
Step 4: Copyright Form
In order to be published in the conference proceedings, all accepted papers MUST be accompanied by a signed IEEE Copyright Form. Don’t forget to click on the “Continue to copyright form submission button” after uploading your paper
Please access the site for more information or contact the WEMDCD 2025 Technical Program Chairs.
Full Provisional Paper Submission:
Prospective authors are requested to submit a full provisional paper no longer than six (6) pages. The paper should follow the provided template IEEE conference paper template. Papers not conforming to these requirements will be rejected without review. All full provisional papers will go through a double-blind peer-review process to ensure a confidential and fair review. The papers presented at the workshop will be included in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Please refer to the conference website for a detailed list of technical topics and the paper submission method.