WEMDCD 2025 will be a sustainable event.
As conference organizers, we have a key social and environmental responsibility. Sustainability has become a paramount concern and the rising trend of incorporating sustainable measures into event planning is the answer to this concern, and a commitment to reduce the ecological impact while maximizing the benefits. With this in mind, the WEMDCD 2025 organizing committee is working for a green-oriented event, trying to adopt all possible best practices to respect and contribute positively to environment, society, and economy.
Main goals will include economic sustainability prioritising local vendors to support local economy and community, environmental sustainability reducing as much as possible the event ecological footprint and, last but not least, social sustainability ensuring a safe and inclusive environment for all attendees.
The hosting venue, the University of Malta, boasts a strong commitment to ecological and social sustainability. For several years now, the university has been pursuing a path of integration of sustainability in its activities: teaching, research, third mission and public engagement. The path undertaken is aimed at developing the principles of sustainability in a shared and systematic strategy, in acknowledgement of the Sustainable Development Goals adopted together with the 2030 Agenda by the United Nations in 2015.
The conference organization will follow a paperless philosophy, prioritizing digital solutions such as digital event platform and web event APP to limit the use of paper both before and during the event. Use of printed items such as flyers, brochures, invitations, etc. in promotional activities will be minimized. Great attention will be paid to food waste. Materials for signage, decorations, exhibition will mostly be reusable. A correct recycling throughout the event will be ensured by providing clearly marked recycling bins all over the conference venue. Local no profit organizations involved in social inclusion activities will be invited to promote their work and spread their message during the event.
Last but not least, one of the technical Calls for Papers of the conference will be focused on sustainability, i.e. a special session entitled “Sustainable Machines and Drives for Industrial and Transport Applications” will be included in the final program. With a rising global awareness on environmental concerns, sustainability in events is no more just a trend, but an imperative shift. WEMDCD 2025 will join this important challenge with a strong commitment for an environmentally friendly approach to minimize the event impact on our planet.