Department of Policy, Politics & Governance

Our publications

Our publications

Our academics are committed to research and publications. The following list is evidence of our commitment.


Departmental book series

 Vassallo. M.T. & Tabone, C. (eds) (forthcoming), Public Life in Malta IV: Papers on governance, politics and public affairs in the EU's smallest member state. Malta: University of Malta

Vassallo. M.T. & Tabone, C. (eds) (2020), Public Life in Malta III: Papers on governance, politics and public affairs in the EU's smallest member state. Malta: University of Malta

Vassallo. M.T. & Tabone, C. (eds)  (2017), Public Life in Malta II: Papers on governance, politics and public affairs in the EU's smallest member state. Malta: University of Malta 

Vassallo, M.T. (ed) (2011), Public Life in Malta I: Essays on governance, politics and public affairs in the EU's smallest member state. Malta: University of Malta

Departmental monographs

Vassallo, M.T. and Debattista, A. (forthcoming), The different faces of politics: A handbook of political thought and artistic expression. UK: Routledge

Vassallo. M.T. (2021), Kollox Politika? Governanza, Religjon, Ekonomija, Amministrazzjoni Pubblika. Malta: Malta University Publishing 

Vakili-Zad, C., (2007). Housing Policy in Malta, Malta's Place in the Worlds of Welfare Capitalism, Malta: Union Press & Department of Public Policy


Departmental conference proceedings 

Thake, A.M. (2018), Democratic Governance in the Digital Age: Proceedings of the Public Policy 40th Anniversary Conference. Malta: Government Printing Press 


Departmental textbook

Warrington, E. (ed) (forthcoming), Business, Public Policy and Governance in an EU Member-state: A Maltese perspective. Malta: University of Malta


Monographs published by our academics 


Vassallo. M.T. (2021), Godfrey Pirotta: Il-politika ta' ħajti. Malta: Horizons 

Warrington, E. (2020), Serving people and parliament: The Ombudsman institution in Malta. Malta: Office of the Ombudsman 

Thake, A. (2018). Graduate Employability Skills in Malta. Malta: Kite Group

Vassallo, M.T. (2015), Europeanisation of Interest groups in Malta and Ireland: A small state perspective. USA: Palgrave Macmillan

Warrington, E. and Pirotta, G. (2014), Guardian of Public Purse: A history of State Audit in Malta. Malta: National Audit Office 

Pirotta, G.A. (2003), Malta's Parliament: An official History. Malta: Midsea books.

Pirotta, G.A. (1996), The Maltese Public Service 1800-1945: The administrative politics of a micro state. Malta: Mireva publications

Tabone. C. (1995), Maltese families in transition: a sociological investigation. Malta: Ministry for Social Development