International MBA

For more information, please visit here.


Is the International MBA for me?

Yes, especially if you are…

  • An employee in a private or public organisation interested in being promoted to a management role.
  • A manager in a private or public organisation wishing to improve your management and leadership skills.
  • A graduate in a non-management subject interested in improving your management and leadership skills.
  • An experienced professional wanting to align your experience and capabilities with the latest in applied research and best practice.
  • Seeking a sound foundation and insight towards effectively running and growing your own business in increasingly competitive environments.


What will the experience be like?

The International MBA is a part time, work-based programme over a 24-month period. The Masters programme is practitioner-oriented aimed at delivering applied value in practice from the outset, training future managers and organisational leaders. It brings together practical management tools with the latest in applied research from a broad spread of management subjects.

The International MBA is delivered in intensive teaching blocks accompanied by ongoing sessions, individual reflection, and group work. Typically lecture sessions include case studies, individual and group assignments, and discussions. Students also work on an Applied Research Project which investigates an issue of interest to students, and which is supervised by a professional.

Over the 2 year period, the teaching blocks are the following:

  • 4 weekends;
  • 4 full-weeks, and
  • Specific once-a-week evening sessions.

The programme includes 9 core study units which all students take. The students will also take an additional 3 study units forming part of either the main Core MBA stream or the Public Policy specialist in nature. The modules are these:



Leadership & Personal Development



Competitive Strategy



Economics for Managers



Financial Management



Strategic Marketing & Communication



Designing & Leading Operations



Information Systems and Innovation



People & Human Capital



Governance, Regulation & Social Dialogue



Enterprise Project Management

(Core MBA stream)



(Core MBA stream)


International Business

(Core MBA stream)





Strategy, Policy Implementation & Review

(Public Policy stream)


Business Continuity Planning

(Public Policy stream)


Comparative Governance & Institutional Design

(Public Policy stream)


What shall I do next?

We will be happy to explain how the International MBA can help you in the next step of your career. Get in touch with our course administrators on or call 2340 6211.