Foundation.AI - Foundation Modelling of Games via Artificial Intelligence

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Georgios N Yannakakis

End date:

31 August 2025

2023 Archipelagic and Island States Innovation Challenges for Joint Research - 2023 Archipelagic and Island States Innovation Challenges for Joint Research

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Stefano Moncada

End date:

30 January 2024

Agenzija Support - Memorandum of Understanding with Agenzija Support

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Andrew Azzopardi

End date:

6 February 2021

Agreement for performance of work between the World Health Organization and the University of Malta - Recognising the Lessons learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic, and to pursue agile.

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Stefano Moncada

End date:

30 December 2021

Agri-food applications of microalgae: Learning from experience about their capacity to foster agricultural sustainability and food security despite climate change - Agri-food applications of Microalgae: Learning from experience about their Capacity to foster Agricultural Sustainability and Food Security despite Climate Change

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Everaldo Attard

End date:

14 May 2025

Al-powered adaptive learning system - Collaborative agreement with the Ministry of Education and Employment

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Alexiei Dingli

End date:

12 November 2023

AMINO CHEM GRANT - Amino Chemicals Ltd Grant

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Giovanna Bosica

End date:

30 June 2013

Annex 1 - Framework Agreement between the UM and Ambjent Malta

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Alan Deidun

End date:

30 September 2025

ANNEX 1 to Agreement Between the UM and Eastern Regional Council - ANNEX 1 to Agreement Between the UM and Eastern Regional Council

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Andrew Azzopardi

End date:

13 April 2026

ANNEX 1 to Agreement Ref: 2021_104_UM_MinISW - Memorandum of Understanding between the University of Malta and the Ministry for Inclusion and Social Wellbeing

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Paul A Bartolo

End date:

29 February 2024

Annex 1 to Framework Agreement Between the UM and Western Regional Council - Annex 1 to Framework Agreement Between the UM and Western Regional Council

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Andrew Azzopardi

End date:

19 October 2025

Annex 1 to Framework Agreement between UM and MCVS - Annex 1 to Framework Agreement between UM and Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector (MCVS)

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Andrew Azzopardi

End date:

14 November 2023

Annex 1 to Framework Agreement between UM and Port Regional Council - Annex 1 to Framework Agreement between UM and Port Regional Council

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Andrew Azzopardi

End date:

16 December 2023

Annex 3 - Collaboration Agreement between University of Malta and Agenzija Zghazagh

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Andrew Azzopardi

End date:

30 November 2022

Anthony Rizzo Memorial ALS Research Fund - Anthony Rizzo Memorial ALS Research Fund

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Ruben J Cauchi

End date:

2 August 2023

Appogg Ghall-Beltin - Appogg Ghall-Beltin

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Andrew Azzopardi

End date:

13 January 2022

ARCHaIcTOURISM - Archaeology, Innovation, Tourism

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Andrew Jones

End date:

30 September 2017

Argotti Botanic Gardens and Resource Centre - Agreement between Environment and Resources Authority and the University of Malta Argotti Botanic Gardens and Resource Centre with respect to Ex situ Conservation of Local Flora Species

UM Principal investigator:

Mr Tony Meli

End date:

22 December 2023

ARM OF SUPPORT - Aspects of Early Acquisition of English in young children in Zabbar Primary

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Odette Vassallo

End date:

30 November 2014


UM Principal investigator:

Professor Alex Felice

End date:

31 December 2022

BEACH RISKS - Beach and Coastal Resorts Risks

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Anton Micallef

End date:

15 November 2018

BEAUT - Bioinformatics: EBI And UM Teaching

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Joseph Borg

End date:

30 September 2018

BeSafeNet - Protect yourself from hazards

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Anton Micallef

End date:

15 November 2018

Biomechanical Engineering - Development of Curriculum for PG Studies in Biomechanical engineering

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Zdenka Sant

End date:

30 September 2017

Blue Economy - Investing in a lasting Blue Economy legacy through smart specialisation: the promotion of digital technologies within ocean literacy and within ongoing maritime research

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Alan Deidun

End date:

29 January 2025

BLUEPRINT - Blueprint for sectoral cooperation on skills in tourism: enhancing the image of careers in the tourism sector

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Andrew Jones

End date:

31 October 2018

BUS EMISSIONS - Evaluating bus emissions for various service improvement strategies

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Maria Attard

End date:

28 March 2019

CA17109 - COST Action CA17109

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Pierre-Sandre Farrugia

End date:

25 September 2020

CaDetS - A Calorimetric Detection System for Hyper Velocity Impacts

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Robert Camilleri

End date:

30 September 2019

CANCER RESEARCH - A scholarship on cancer research

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Josanne Vassallo

End date:

1 September 2011

Capacity Building for Interdisciplinary Research in Addiction - Capacity Building for Interdisciplinary Research in Addiction

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Olga Bogolyubova

End date:

30 September 2020

CATCH - Customer Attitudes and Tolerance towards AI Chatbots

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Daniela Castillo

End date:

31 December 2024

Central Bank - Maltese Economy - Assessing Structural change in the Maltese economy

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Philip von Brockdorff

End date:

31 December 2017

CERN - Scholarship Agreements

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Ing. Nicholas Sammut

End date:

30 September 2013

ChatBot - The new era of ChatBot

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Claudia Borg

End date:

20 October 2024

Childcare Services It-Tajra (Arts in Schools) - Childcare Services It-Tajra (Arts in Schools)

UM Principal investigator:

Ms Johanna Gatt

End date:

31 July 2024

Clinical Gait Analysis - Collaborative Programme on Clinical Gait and Motion Analysis

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Kenneth Camilleri

End date:

25 February 2020

Collaboration agreement between the Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs and trade and the UM - The Study shall seek to explore vulnerability and resilience in the context of OACPS member states, including specific attention to the theme of climate change, with a focus on SIDS.

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Stefano Moncada

End date:

14 January 2025

Collaboration Agreement between the University of Malta and Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation - Collaboration Agreement between the University of Malta and Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Vincent Cassar

End date:

2 October 2024


UM Principal investigator:

Dr Kurt Xerri

End date:

1 February 2024

Collaboration Agreement with Industry - MRA and UoM - Collaboration Agreement with Industry - MRA and UoM

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Maria Attard

End date:

14 February 2023

Collaboration agreement with Ministry for Social Policy & Children's Rights - Collaboration agreement with Ministry for Social Policy & Children's Rights

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Andrew Azzopardi

End date:

14 February 2024

Collaboration Agreement with MITA - Collaboration Agreement with MITA

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Johann A Briffa

End date:

16 May 2022

Collaboration Agreement with National Commission for the Promotion of Equality_Annex1 - Collaboration Agreement with National Commission for the Promotion of Equality_Annex1

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Josann Cutajar

End date:

31 October 2024

Collaboration Agreement with NRC - Collaboration Agreement with Northern Regional Council

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Andrew Azzopardi

End date:

30 November 2025

Collaboration IRIS HT Ltd - Collaboration Agreement between IRIS HT Ltd. and University of Malta

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Adrian Muscat

End date:

30 April 2022

Collaboration with BICC - Research in C&D waste and the development of guidelines for excavation, C&D waste and recycling oriented deconstruction

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Ruben Paul Borg

End date:

31 December 2020

Collaboration with CityFALCON - Collaboration with CityFALCON

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Albert Gatt

End date:

30 September 2021

Connecting for Health - Building IT Communication Pathways for Citizen Science in Biomedical Research

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Gillian Martin

End date:

4 December 2019

CoRe-AA - Collaborative Research on Components used in the Aerospace and Automotive Industries

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Ing. Ann Zammit

End date:

30 September 2018

Corpora of non-standard language use for understanding novel concept formation - Corpora of non-standard language use for understanding novel concept formation

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Lonneke van der Plas

End date:

30 September 2020

Crossing the Mediterranean Sea - Crossing the Mediterranean Sea by Boat: Mapping and documenting migratory journeys and experiences

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Maria Pisani

End date:

31 August 2017

Culture Participation Survey - Valletta 2018 - Culture Participation Survey - CULTURE PARTICIPATION & LIFE SATISFACTION IN MALTA

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Marie Briguglio

End date:

31 December 2017

Degradation of Traditional/Historical Oil Paints Applied to Stone - Degradation of Traditional/Historical Oil Paints Applied to Stone

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. JoAnn Cassar

End date:

27 August 2018

Diabetes - Characterisation of atypical non autoimmune diabetes mellitus in the Maltese islands

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Nikolai Pace

End date:

8 October 2020

DiFIP - Amplifying Research in Digital Factories for Innovative Product Development

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Jonathan Borg

End date:

30 September 2017

DISRUPT - Enhance Digital Led InvestigationS, pRosecutions and jUdicial resPonses for dismantling Trafficking Chains of Children

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Aitana Radu

End date:

31 March 2025

DIZZJUNARJU MALTI - Maltese lexicon and dictionary

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Albert Gatt

End date:

31 October 2018

ELG Workshop - Sub-Contracting Agreement between University of Malta and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)

UM Principal investigator:

Mr Michael Rosner

End date:

31 December 2021

ELRC - European Language Resource Coordination

UM Principal investigator:

Mr Mike Rosner

End date:

31 December 2022

ELRC Sub-contracting UCEF SMART 2014/1074 - European Language Resource Coordination (ELRC) - sub-contracting UCEF SMART 2014/1074

UM Principal investigator:

Mr Mike Rosner

End date:

23 March 2017

EO4HBCS - Earth Observation for Historic Building Conservation and Sustainability

UM Principal investigator:

Professor JoAnn Cassar

End date:

10 September 2021

ERA - Research on the Environment and Resources

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Joseph A. Borg & Dr Marie Briguglio

End date:

1 April 2020


UM Principal investigator:

Dr Mark Scerri

End date:

30 March 2023

ERA - ANNEX 14 - The Establishment of a Monitoring Scheme to Monitor the Effects of Air Pollution on Natural Ecosystems

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Everaldo Attard

End date:

13 September 2025

ERA - ANNEX 21 - L-Ghadira ta’ Sarraflu

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Sandro Lanfranco

End date:

30 August 2021

ERA - Annex H - Study on the assessment of impacts of land-based waste water input in the Mgarr ix-Xini and Ras il-Hobz area in Gozo

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Joseph A. Borg

End date:

31 August 2019

ERA - Annex I - Research on Exploited Sea Urchins

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Alan Deidun

End date:

31 August 2020

ERA - Annex K - Research on Electical & Electronic Equipment, Stocks & Waste Management

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Marie Briguglio

End date:

31 December 2020

ERA - Annex L - Intepretation of data collected from a phytoplankton survey in Maltese waters as a follow-up to a 'mucilage event' in October 2016

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Sandro Lanfranco

End date:

1 August 2020


UM Principal investigator:

Dr Jonathan Spiteri

End date:

16 August 2021

Era Annex 24 - Era Annex 24 for a study on the Selection of Targeted Established Non-Indigenous Species

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Julian Evans

End date:

1 August 2023

Era Annex 27 - Mapping and characterisation of sea caves along the Maltese coastline

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Sebastiano DAmico

End date:

2 April 2025

ESLP - European Sports Leadership Programme - Erasmus + Sport 2017

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Andrew Decelis

End date:

30 June 2020

ESLP - European Sport Leadership Programme

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Andrew Decelis

End date:

30 June 2020

eTILC - Combined Therapy in Lung Cancer

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Anthony Fenech

End date:

30 September 2020

EUHAP - European Humanitarian Action Partnership Project

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Anna Khakee

End date:

31 July 2017

EUROFOUND 18-3030-19 - Provision of scheduled and on-request reporting services - Network of Eurofound Correspondents - Malta

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Manwel Debono

End date:

28 February 2019

Eurofusion-WP PMU - Eurofusion-WP PMU

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Martin Muscat

End date:

31 December 2026

FAMOUS - Film festivals And MOvie tourism across Unesco Sites

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Andrew Jones

End date:

31 October 2019

FibroCanBiome - Preclinical and Clinical Evidence on the Alteration of Cannabinoids-Gut Microbiome link in Fibromyalgia: a Proof-of-Concept Study in Malta

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Giuseppe Di Giovanni

End date:

27 September 2025

FITCOAST - Fine Tuning and validating the Malta hydrodynamic COASTal model

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Anthony Galea

End date:

30 September 2018

Floating Offshore Wind Turbines - Collaboration in the Preparation of Joint EU Funding Proposal/s in the Field of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines with Integrated Energy Storage

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Tonio Sant

End date:

30 September 2018

Foetal Haemoglobin - Drug discovery of compounds for the induction of foetal haemoglobin in patients suffering inherited blood disorders

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Joseph J. Borg

End date:

30 September 2020

Gabaergic Transmission - Is there a link between Thalamic Tonic GABAergic Transmission and Cognitive Deficits in Down Syndrome? An Electrophysiological Pilot Study

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Giuseppe Di Giovanni

End date:

30 September 2018

Galactic and Extragalactic Astrophysics - Galactic and Extragalactic Astrophysics

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Joseph Caruana

End date:

30 September 2020

Gambling - Research in the area of gambling

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Andrew Azzopardi

End date:

8 October 2022

Girls4STEM - Pilot project - Girls 4 STEM in Europe

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Josette Farrugia

End date:

31 December 2022

HERITAGE - Mediterranean sheep breeds towards sustainable farming: Integrating preservation of local genetic resources with enhanced resilience characteristics and high quality food production under extensive rearing systems

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Everaldo Attard

End date:

8 April 2021

HPUS - Human Performance Under the Sea

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Vincent Cassar

End date:

31 December 2018


UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Maria Attard

End date:

24 September 2026

HSPA - Developing Health System Performance Assessment for Slovenia and Latvia

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Kenneth Grech

End date:

5 July 2019

IAT_ONERA - Trans-national Collaboration on the Evaluation of a Novel Technology for Obstacle Avoidance in Aircraft Ground Operations

UM Principal investigator:

Professor David Zammit Mangion

End date:

30 September 2019

IEnforce - Implementing & Enforcing EU Criminal Law - Theory & Practice

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Ivan Sammut

End date:

30 June 2019

INSDEV-1 - Development of a New Magnetic Measurement Bench for Insertion Devices - Paul Scherrer Institute

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Ing. Nicholas Sammut

End date:

30 January 2019

INTERMED - Sustainable, integrated management of water resources in the Mediterranean

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Vasilis Valdramidis

End date:

29 May 2021

JRC Workshop - Future of Government 2030+: Civil society workshop – MALTA

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Anne Marie Thake

End date:

28 February 2018

KREATTIV 2 - KREATTIV funding programme Research Study

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Marie Briguglio

End date:

31 October 2018

LEAP - Learning from Excellence while Advancing Partnership

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Axel Steuwer

End date:

30 September 2018

Love & Embodiment in Modern Korea - Love and Embodiment inmodern Korea: Popular culture and embodied sociality

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Jean-Paul Baldacchino

End date:

30 April 2019

LULUCF - Needs assessment for the development of the LULUCF map for Malta

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Maria Attard

End date:

31 March 2015

Lung Cancer Enhanced Therapy - Lung Cancer Enhanced Therapy

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Anthony Fenech

End date:

30 September 2019

Maltese Economy - Central Bank of Malta Study on Maltese Economy

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Philip von Brockdorff

End date:

31 August 2015

MANTIS - Marine protected areas: network(s) for enhancement of sustainable fisheries in EU Mediterranean waters

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Leyla Knittweis-Mifsud

End date:

28 August 2019

Mapping of Social Enterprises - Up-date of the mapping of social enterprises and their eco-systems in Europe

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Censu Caruana

End date:

12 October 2019

MCST IPA: Cannabinoids - MCST Internationalisation Partnership Awards: Revealing the Role of Cannabinoids as a Potential Therapeutic Target for Absence Epilepsy: Preliminary Data for UK/Malta

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Giuseppe Di Giovanni

End date:

30 September 2016

MCST IPA: chemotherapy - MCST Internationalisation Partnership Awards: Collaboration into heat shock proteins in chemotherapy and in the mechanism of male pattern baldness

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Pierre Schembri Wismayer

End date:

30 September 2016

MCST IPA: Coating for Dental Implants - MCST Internationalisation Partnership Awards: Development of an antimicrobial coating for dental implants

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Josette Camilleri

End date:

30 September 2016

MCST IPA: Cockpit - MCST Internationalisation Partnership Awards: International Cooperation in Cockpit Technologies

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Ing. David Zammit Mangion

End date:

30 September 2016

MCST IPA: Human Proteins - MCST Internationalisation Partnership Awards: Determination of the three dimensional structure of human proteins with therapeutic applications

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Therese Hunter

End date:

30 September 2016

MCST IPA: RELY - MCST Internationalisation Partnership Awards: REal time rainfalL detection on the maltese territorY

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Charles Galdies

End date:

30 September 2016

MCST IPA: UoM Cambridge - MCST Internalisation Partnership Awards:SKA Collaboration between ISSA and Cambridge

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Kristian Zarb Adami

End date:

30 September 2016

MECS - Maritime Transportation Electrification for Cleaner Seas

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Alexander Micallef

End date:

30 September 2020

MED-WET - Improving MEDiterranean irrigation and Water supply for smallholder farmers by providing Efficient, low-cost and nature-based Technologies and practices

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Everaldo Attard

End date:

8 March 2025


UM Principal investigator:

Dr Axel Steuwer

End date:

30 September 2020

MFCS - Professional Research and Training Services in collaboration with the Ministry for the Family, Children’s Rights and Social Solidarity

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Andrew Azzopardi

End date:

12 July 2021

MicroRNAs - MicroRNAs as Biomarkers and New Therapeutic targets in Absence Epilepsy: from Animals to Humans

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Giuseppe Di Giovanni

End date:

30 September 2019

MITA Training Services - Contract C020/17 for the Provision of Training Services - MITA

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Franco Curmi

End date:

5 October 2019

Motor Neuron Disease - Development of a Method to Evaluate Neuromuscular Junction Defects in Models of Motor Neuron Disease

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Ruben J. Cauchi

End date:

30 September 2019

MOTOR NEURON DISEASE - Identification and Characterisation of Novel Components of the Motor Neuron Disease Mechanism

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Ruben J. Cauchi

End date:

30 September 2017

MRA-UNFCCC - 6th National Communication UNFCCC

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Maria Attard

End date:

28 March 2014

MT-COASTAL - Coastal Protection Strategy for the Maltese Islands

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Pauline Galea

End date:

30 September 2023

MTA - Annex 1 - Collaboration Agreement with MTA - Annex 1

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Andrew Azzopardi

End date:

14 January 2022

N/A - Annex 1 to the Framework collaboration agreement with Malta Digital Innovation Authority

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Claudia Borg

End date:

30 November 2022

N/A - Collaboration Agreement between the University of Malta and the Bank of Valletta

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Andrew Azzopardi

End date:

29 April 2025

N/A - Collaboration agreement between University of Malta and Corel Malta Limited

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Charlie Abela

End date:

14 January 2022

N/A - Collaborative agreement between University of Malta and Commission for Rights of Persons with Disability

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Andrew Azzopardi

End date:

16 September 2021

N/A - Collaborative agreement between University of Malta and Ministry for home affairs, national security and law enforcement

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Andrew Azzopardi

End date:

1 September 2023

N/A - Contract of Research between University of Malta and Instituto Nazionale Di Astrofisica - Instituto Di Radioastronomia

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Kristian Zarb Adami

End date:

12 November 2020

N/A - Collaboration Agreement between University of Malta and Agenzija Zghazagh

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Andrew Azzopardi

End date:

12 April 2023

N/A - Annex 2 to the Framework collaboration agreement with Malta Digital Innovation Authority

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Claudia Borg

End date:

30 November 2021

National Safety & Security Monitor - National Safety and Security Monitor - Collaboration Agreement - Ministry for Home Affairs and National Security

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Noellie Brockdorff

End date:

25 February 2021

NDT4ISH - Integrated Sustainable Heritage Building Research through non-invasive techniques

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. JoAnn Cassar

End date:

30 July 2021

NESSDM - National Education Strategy for Sustainable Development in Malta

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Paul Pace

End date:

31 March 2015

Network in Biomedical Cannabinoid Research - UK/IT/FR/MT Network in Biomedical Cannabinoid Research

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Giuseppe Di Giovanni

End date:

30 September 2020

NOHA - NOHA International Association of Universities Funds

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Anna Khakee

End date:

31 March 2016

Notarial Archives - A Collaboration between the University of Malta and the Notarial Archives to update the Archives

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Keith Bugeja

End date:

20 March 2021

Notarial Archives - Collaboration between the University of Malta and the Notarial Archives to update the Archives

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Keith Sciberras

End date:

20 March 2021

Notarial Archives - Collaboration between the University of Malta and the Notarial Archives to update the Archives

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Charlie Abela

End date:

20 March 2020

Novel Biomarkers - Enabling classification of Breast Cancer and Colorectal Cancer patient-derived Xenografts (PDX) using novel biomarkers predicting sensitivity to pp2a activator, FTY720: A potentially new therapeutic group

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Godfrey Grech

End date:

30 September 2018

Obstacles Avoidance - Transnational Collaboration on Multi-Senson Fusion Techniques for Obstacles Avoidance in Aircraft Ground Operations

UM Principal investigator:

Professor David Zammit Mangion

End date:

30 September 2018

Obstacles Avoidance - Transnational Collaboration on Multi-Senson Fusion Techniques for Obstacles Avoidance in Aircraft Ground Operations

UM Principal investigator:

Professor David Zammit Mangion

End date:

30 September 2018

Oil Paints - Degradation of Traditional/Historical Oil Paints Applied to Stone

UM Principal investigator:

Professor JoAnn Cassar

End date:

30 September 2018

PhD Sandwich Programme - PhD Sandwich Programme

UM Principal investigator:

Dr George Azzopardi

End date:

30 September 2017

Photon & Neutron Science - Study visit to the European Photon & Neutron Science Campus Grenoble

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Ulrich Baisch

End date:

30 September 2018

Platform Europe - Platform Europe

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Carmen Sammut

End date:

31 August 2019

PQ System - Collaboration Agreement to implement PQ System between the Parliamentary Office and OPM

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Charlie Abela

End date:

30 August 2019

ProteomicsMS - Post-graduate training in proteomics mass-spectrometry

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Byron Baron

End date:

30 September 2020

QUANTUM BLACK BOX - Towards a quantum black box: Harnessing complex quantum devices

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Andre Xuereb

End date:

30 September 2017

QUPROT-1 - Assembly and Commissioning of a Quench Protection System for Cryo-Free Magnet - Paul Scherrer Institute

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Ing. Nicholas Sammut

End date:

31 December 2018

RACS - Research Services for the MITLA RACS Project (Raising Awareness on Cyber Security)

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Joseph Cannataci

End date:

31 October 2018


UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Adriana Vella

End date:

29 May 2019

REACH HIGH - Neville Grech - REACH HIGH Research Support Expenses Neville Grech

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Adrian Francalanza

End date:

30 May 2019

REPLACE - Renewable, sustainable & Eco-friendLy Agave CompositEs

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Claire De Marco

End date:

30 September 2020

RESCUE - RESources in Coastal groundwater Under hydroclimatic Extremes

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Sebastiano DAmico

End date:

28 February 2027

Research agreement between Trannel International Ltd and University of Malta - Research agreement between Trannel International Ltd and University of Malta

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Andrew Azzopardi

End date:

22 November 2024

RESOLUTE - Radiation tolErance teSting Of pico-sateLlite sUbsysTEms

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Ing. Marc Anthony Azzopardi

End date:

31 August 2020

Resource and Applications for Detecting & Classifying Polarized and Hate Speech in Arabic Social Media - Resource and Applications for Detecting & Classifying Polarized and Hate Speech in Arabic Social Media

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Aitana Radu

End date:

19 April 2023


UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Aaron Micallef

End date:

1 November 2017

SAT-FIRE - SATellite data Fusion and Imaging Resolution Enhancement for coastal areas

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Ing. Gianluca Valentino

End date:

30 April 2020

SATINET - SAtellite TraIning and NETworking

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Ing. Reuben Farrugia

End date:

31 August 2020


UM Principal investigator:

Dr Ing. Reuben Farrugia

End date:

30 September 2020

Science Communication - Secure Communication in the Quantum Era

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Christian Colombo

End date:

30 April 2021

Security-first Federated Quantum Machine Learning for Genomics - Security-first Federated Quantum Machine Learning for Genomics

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Panagiotis Alexiou

End date:

31 August 2024

SEQUEL - Secure Quantum Communications Undersea Link

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Andre Xuereb

End date:

11 July 2021

Service Agreement - Safe Food Advocacy Europe - Service Agreement - Safe Food Advocacy Europe

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Censu Caruana

End date:

1 December 2019

SiForce: Silicon - SiForce: Silicon

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Luciano Mule Stagno

End date:

30 September 2018

Sketch-Based Interfaces - Workshop on sketch-based interfaces and machine interpretation of sketches

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Alexandra Bonnici

End date:

30 September 2018

Spot the Alien Fish campaign 2023 - Spot the Alien Fish campaign 2023

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Alan Deidun

End date:

30 December 2023

ST MICROELECTRONICS - Four projects: “Low Yield Lots Risk Assessment”; “Yield Improvement of Multi-Die Device”; “Equipment Predictive Maintenance”; and “Automated Visual Inspection vs Final Test Results”

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Charlie Abela

End date:

19 February 2019

SUNRISE - Situated Understanding of Resilience in Island Societies and Environments

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Stefano Moncada

End date:

31 October 2022

TAMED - Tensor-bAsed Machine learning towards genEral moDels of affect

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Giorgios Yannakakis

End date:

31 July 2020

TeleGravity - Gravitational Waves in Teleparallel Theories of Gravity

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Jackson Said

End date:

30 September 2019

TELT - TELT Corpus of English

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Odette Vassallo

End date:

31 October 2015

The next step in Housing Profile - The next step in Housing Profile

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Andrew Azzopardi

End date:

20 March 2022

THESEUS - Connect the Disconnections - from Disparate data to Insightful analysis

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Joseph Cannataci

End date:

13 September 2021

Tone Segment Alignment - Articulatory characteristics of tone-segment alignment and their perceptual consequences in Korean and English

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Holger Mitterer

End date:

30 September 2016

Tourism in Malta - Memorandum of Understanding between University of Malta and the Malta Tourism Authority

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Marie Avellino

End date:

13 February 2021

TPWind - Wind energy technology

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Tonio Sant

End date:

1 September 2014


UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Pierre Schembri Wismayer

End date:

1 September 2010


UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Andrew Azzopardi

End date:

14 October 2020

UM-MFWS2020 - Annex 2 to Collaborative Agreement Ref: UM-MFWS2020

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Angela Abela

End date:

31 December 2022

UM-MFWS2020 - ANNEX 1 to Collaborative Agreement Ref: UM-MFWS2020

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Marie Briguglio

End date:

31 July 2023

Understanding the Valletta Community - Understanding the Valletta Community

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Andrew Azzopardi

End date:

1 October 2019

UNFCCC - Malta Resources Authority re compilation of Malta's 7th National Communication to the UNFCCC

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Maria Attard

End date:

31 January 2018


UM Principal investigator:

Dr Daniel A Vella

End date:

25 April 2025

UWI UCSIS - Course writer to support the implementation of the University consortium of small island states (UCSIS) cross border masters programme in sustainable development

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Lino Briguglio

End date:

31 August 2012

V18 - Valletta 2018 Foundation

UM Principal investigator:

Dr George Cassar

End date:

31 December 2018

VATIS - Valletta Travel Information System

UM Principal investigator:

Professor Maria Attard

End date:

31 July 2016

WATER TOWER RESTORATION - WATER TOWER RESTORATION - Collaboration with the Planning Authority

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Ruben Paul Borg

End date:

15 January 2020

WHO 2017 - WHO Agreement Country Profile Review-HSPM updates 2017/714335-0

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Natasha Azzopardi Muscat

End date:

13 October 2017

WIDE - Web3 Identity Integration for DADs and Education

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. Joshua Ellul

End date:

9 April 2024

Wonder Genes - Discovery and Characterisation of Wonder Genes For Motor Neuron Disease

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Ruben Cauchi

End date:

30 September 2018

World4Orchids - A wild future for orchids

UM Principal investigator:

Prof. David Mifsud

End date:

28 January 2023

ZEROC02 - Promotion of near zero CO2 emission buildings due to energy use

UM Principal investigator:

Dr Ing. Charles Yousif

End date:

31 March 2020
