Each academic year, the Faculty of Health Sciences offers a number of Continuing Professional Development study-units for registered practitioners. The study-units are aimed to keep health professionals abreast of the continuing advances in the medical field and related technologies.
RAD5023 - Advanced Training for Magnetic Resonance Safety Officers (MRSO) - CLOSED
POD5002 - Vascular Assessment of Lower Extremities - CLOSED
IFC5002 - Embracing Spiritual Consciousness of Health and Wellbeing - CLOSED
HSC5005 - Applied Clinical Education in Health Care Practice - CLOSED
HSM5115 - Basic Principles of Patient Safety - CLOSED
HSM5116 - Basic Principles of Clinical Risk Management - CLOSED
MID5002 - Research Methods Applied to Midwifery - CLOSED
RAD5022 - Magnetic Resonance Safety - CLOSED
HSM5118 -Leadership, Teamwork, Human Factors and Communication
MID5007 - Public Health and Health Promotion in Midwifery
For further details regarding application dates, applicable fees and how to apply follow these instructions [PDF].