The Faculty of Health Sciences will be offering a number of courses, at undergraduate and postgraduate level, for commencement in October 2025.
Dates for interviews that will be held with applicants for limited number courses (in the event of over-subscription), as well as interviews to be held with applicants considered in terms of the 'Adult Learner' clause are available in this document [PDF].
Administrative staff of the Faculty will contact applicants closer to the date to inform them of the time at which the interview shall be held. Interviews will be held online through Zoom or Google Meet; or in person at the Faculty of Health Sciences (Block A, Level 1, Mater Dei Hospital).
As potential future health care professionals, students have a duty to provide the relevant information to the Faculty of Health Sciences. Failure to disclose information about a physical or mental health problem (that could affect safety of the student him/herself or of others; including patients, clients, students and staff), would be considered to be contrary to the dispositions included in the University Suitability to Practice Regulations. All medical and sensitive personal information provided by students will be held in complete confidence by the Faculty of Health Sciences and the Occupational Health (Medical) Unit (OHU). The Occupational Health (Medical) Unit provides a medical service to the Faculty by screening all its students prior to the commencement of clinical placements/practicals. The Faculty of Health Sciences will be informed by the OHU of the impact of a health problem or impairment, if relevant to the student’s educational needs and/or safety, and if there are any recommendations on support or adjustments, that could be of assistance to students.
The completed Occupational Health Protocol (OHP) [PDF], including the Health Questionnaire in Annex 1, should be submitted as soon as possible, but by not later than 30 November 2024. All documentation should be submitted in a sealed envelope including the student's name, ID Card No and course to the Reception Desk, Faculty of Health Sciences. Students should plan any required vaccinations sufficiently in advance so that these, together with any blood tests needed to show immunity, are completed well in advance of the 30 November 2024 deadline.
This protocol is applicable to all students following the Certificate for Graduates of Non-EU/EEA Nursing Programmes, the Preparatory Course for the Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Nursing, the Bachelor of Science (Honours) programme (direct entry), the Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Physics, Medical Physics and Radiation Protection, the Master of Science in Diabetes Care, the Master of Science in Audiology, and the Postgraduate Diploma in Dietetics. Students following particular areas of study within the Master of Science (both mainly taught and mainly research streams) may be directed by the Board to complete this protocol.
Applicants interested in pursuing a Master of Science (by Research) are strongly advised to refer to MSc (by Research) information sheet [PDF].
Access the list [PDF] of potential research topics and potential supervisors for academic year 2024/25
It is also advisable for applicants to submit the completed Expression of Interest Form [PDF]
Applicants interested in pursuing a Master of Science in Mental Health Nursing are strongly advised to refer to Criteria for Selection of Applicants for the M.Sc. Mental Health Nursing [PDF] (applicable in the case of over-subscription). Applicants may also access instructions in connection with the submission of ducument [PDF] to support their application.
Applicants interested in pursuing a Master of Science in Midwifery are strongly advised to refer to the Criteria for the Selection of Applicants M.Sc. Midwifery [PDF] (applicable in the case of over-subscription). Applicants may also access instructions in connection with the submission of document [PDF] to support their application.
Applicants interested in pursuing a Master of Science in Nursing (Areas of Specialisation) are strongly advised to refer to the Criteria for the Selection of Applicants M.Sc. Nursing Areas of Specialisation [PDF] (applicable in the case of over-subscription). Applicants may also access instructions in connection with the submission of document [PDF] to support their application.
Applicants interested in pursuing a Master of Science in Radiography are strongly advised to refer to Criteria for the Selection of Applicants M.Sc. Radiography [PDF] (applicable in the case of over-subscription). Applicants may also access instructions in connection with the submission of document [PDF] to support their application.
Applicants interested in pursuing a Postgraduate Diploma in Dietetics are strongly advised to refer to the Criteria for Selection of Applicants for the Postgraduate Diploma in Dietetics [PDF] (applicable in the case of over-subscription). Applicants may also access instructions regarding the submission of document [PDF] to support their application.
Applicants interested in pursuing the Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Biomedical Science are strongly advised to refer to the criteria for the selection of applicants [PDF] (applicable in the case of over-subscription).
Applicants interested in pursuing the Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Midwifery are strongly advised to refer to the criteria for the selection of applicants [PDF] (applicable in the case of over-subscription).
Applicants interested in pursuing the Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Physiotherapy are strongly advised to refer to the criteria for the selection of applicants [PDF](applicable in the case of over-subscription).
Applicants interested in pursuing the Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Radiography are strongly advised to refer to the criteria for the selection of applicants [PDF](applicable in the case of over-subscription).
Applicants interested in pursuing the Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mental Health Nursing top-up Degree are strongly advised to refer to the criteria for the selection of applicants [PDF](applicable in the case of over-subscription). Applicants may also access instructions [PDF] regarding the submission of documents to support their application.
Applicants interested in pursuing the Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Nursing (Elderly Care) top-up Degree are strongly advised to refer to instructions regarding the submission of documents [PDF] to support their application.
Applicants interested in pursuing the Bachelor of Science (Honours) Health Science [PDF] top-up Degree are strongly advised to refer to instructions [PDF] regarding the submission of documents to support their application.
The Faculty will also be offering Continuing Professional Development courses for registered practitioners. Applicants interested in pursing CPD courses are strongly advised to refer to these instructions [PDF].