Title: ACSAGO (Active Control Sidestick for Aircraft Ground Operations)
Duration: 2019-2022
Funding scheme: MCST FUSION Technology Development Programme (R&I-2017-032-T)
Funds: EUR 183,850
Principal investigator: Dr Ing. Jason Gauci
During taxi operations of current-generation commercial aircraft, pilots control the aircraft using the tiller, thrust levers and brake pedals. This method of taxiing can result in high workload, particularly at complex airports. ACSAGO proposed an alternative taxiing technology which uses active sidesticks. This technology can bring several benefits to ground operations. For instance, an active sidestick can be configured to control aircraft heading and speed, thus rendering the tiller redundant and enabling taxi manoeuvers to be completed just by using the sidestick. Furthermore, it provides visual and tactile feedback to the crew. The left and right sidesticks can also be electronically linked such that they track each other; thus, both pilots can feel and see their sidesticks moving.
ACSAGO focused on the application of active sidesticks to conventional taxiing i.e. through the use of the aircraft’s engines. However, active sidesticks are configurable and can also be applied to (future) electric taxiing operations, whereby pilots would use an active sidestick to control electric motors installed in the aircraft’s landing gear. It is expected that the proposed active sidestick technology will improve situation awareness, performance and safety during taxiing. ACSAGO was carried out in collaboration with QuAero Ltd.
The project team was the recipient of the Runner-Up Intellectual Property Award for Scientific Initiative at the Malta Intellectual Property Awards 2022.