Title: BEA (Buoy Eau Air)
Duration: 2020-2023
Funding scheme: MCST FUSION Technology Development Programme (R&I-2018-005-T)
Funds: EUR 195,000
Principal investigator: Dr Robert Camilleri
This research project aims to develop the first multi drone system in the world - BEA. Tourism in Malta contributes to approximately 25% of GDP and contributes to 28% of full time employment. Around 5% of inbound tourists have engaged in diving activities such as snorkelling, scuba diving and freediving. However, such activities have an element of risk.
To mitigate this risk, BEA proposes a system of drones, one operating in the air, one on the water surface and one underwater to support and monitor the safety of divers. While the hovering UAV will create a geo-fence around the diver, therefore offering protection against boat incursions. The self-propelled Buoy acts as a resting platform while hosting critical support and first aid kit. It will also host a docking mechanism and batteries to allow the UAV and ROV to recharge. It also acts as the communication link between the hovering drone and the underwater ROV. Finally, the ROV is able to follow the diver emulating the “buddy philosophy”, while providing reassurance to the diver. The multi-drone system works in synergy, with the sub-systems being in communication with each other, and having the ability to relay a message to the diver.
BEA introduces technology assistance, providing reassurance and situation awareness to the diver.