Institute of Aerospace Technologies



Skill-UP logo

Title: skill-UP: skilling, upskilling and reskilling in the future Air Transport

Duration: January 2020 - March 2023

Funding scheme: ERASMUS+ (Grant agreement: 408540-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA2-SSA)

Overall budget: EUR 888,105

UM budget: EUR 79,935

UM coordinator: Dr Ing. Jason Gauci

Project website

Skill-UP aims to define the knowledge, skills and competences required by the current and future employers of the Air Transport Sector to better align the training offered to the requirements of different occupational profiles. In particular, skill-UP will target the following profiles: air traffic controllers, pilots, airport operators and drone (RPAS) operators. By identifying the needs of an evolving labour market, skill-UP will develop initial and continuing VET training programmes based on suitable and innovative teaching and training methodologies and on study pathways for skilling, upskilling and reskilling the air transport workforce.

The University of Malta - through the Institute of Aerospace Technologies - is contributing to the project by analysing the transition from education to work; analysing future aviation scenarios; developing a transversal VET module focusing on the use of AI in aviation; supporting the design of assessment tools; and contributing to project dissemination.