Title: SMARTFDM (Smart Flight Data Monitoring)
Duration: 2017-2019
Funding scheme: MCST FUSION Technology Development Programme (R&I-2015-016-T)
Funds: EUR 194,739
Principal investigator: Dr Robert Camilleri
Flight Data Monitoring (FDM) forms an integral part of safety systems within flight operations. Typically, aircraft data is recorded during flight, which is then used off-line to analyse the performance of the aircraft. Traditional use of FDM employs a safe thresholding of parameters and detects exceedances. This then leads to further analysis and investigation. However, while FDM generates large amounts of data and provides a wealth of information that can be used to improve airline operations, safety and effciency, the current statistical approach is inadequate. SMARTFDM adopted big data techniques to analyse flight data and reveal hidden patterns, trends and anomalies.
This project was led by the Institute of Aerospace Technologies in collaboration with the Faculty of Information & Communication Technology (at the University of Malta) and QuAero Ltd.