Insular Coastal Dynamics (ICoD)

The Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Insular Coastal Dynamics (ICoD) forms part of a network of specialised centres operating under the aegis of the EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement of the Council of Europe. EUR-OPA is a platform for cooperation between European and Southern Mediterranean countries in the field of major natural and technological disasters.

ICoD was established in 1988 at the Foundation for International Studies, and since becoming part of the Institute of Earth Systems in 2008, has actively participated in the Institute’s programme of capacity building and research activities. The Centre’s focus is on training and research on the marine and coastal environment, with a particular interest in coastal hazards and in the interactive processes which occur within the coastal zone and insular areas.

The activities carried out by ICoD have the following main objectives:

  • the promotion of international cooperation between academia and government authorities through the organisation of symposia, conferences, workshops and training programmes, particularly in integrated coastal zone management
  • to conduct research at the Euro-Mediterranean level on interactive processes at the coast, with special reference to the human/natural interface in insular environments 
  • to contribute to civil protection at the coast and to the combating of maritime risks, and
  • raising of public awareness and academic interest in pressing environmental issues through networking, and the gathering and dissemination of information.