The app can be used on any recent Android (9.0+) or Apple (iOS 14.0+) device.
The first time you run the application, you are prompted to choose between accessing the app as a Guest or Student/Staff. This information is then stored within the app.
If you are a student or staff, choose the Student/Staff profile. This would require you to sign in once with your UM IT Account.
The Guest profile provides limited functionality and does not require signing in.
If you are using an Android device, tap the menu ( ) at the top right corner of the screen. Select Settings and tap the Change Profile menu in the Current Profile section.
If you are using an Apple device, tap the Settings gear icon at the bottom of the screen. Tap the Change Profile menu in the Current Profile section.
If you are using an Android device, tap the menu ( ) at the top right corner of the screen. Tap Settings and then tap on the key icon in the top right corner of the screen.
If you are using an Apple device, tap the Settings gear icon at the bottom of the screen, scroll down to the bottom, and tap Logout.
If you have made any changes to your UM IT Account, such as a change of password, the app might log you out automatically. You will therefore need to login again using the new password.
You can:
This issue normally occurs during the login process when the Internet network is unstable. In such cases, your profile may not be fully loaded. We suggest that you uninstall and reinstall the app so you go through the login process again. If the issue persists, contact us via email or using the feedback form.
The My UM card can be presented by students and staff to verify their identity as students or staff digitally. You can access the My UM card through the My UM app both on and off campus, including abroad, even on an Erasmus+ mobility. The My UM card is used in instances where you need to verify your enrollment/employment status to obtain any discounts offered by museums, public transportation and any other services. The My UM card has a QR code that can be scanned by third parties to verify whether you are a University student/staff or not.
Locate the Student/Staff Card tile in the app's homepage and tap it. If you cannot find the Student Card tile, check that you are registered as a current student via eSIMS. If you cannot find the Staff Card tile, liaise with the Office for Human Resources Management & Development to ensure that your HR records are updated.
Note that your device needs to have an Internet connection when accessing the My UM card for the first time.
The My UM card shows your name and surname, a QR code, and a date until the QR code remains valid. The QR code expiry date will be refreshed when you access the Student/Staff Card tile again while connected to the Internet.
When a third party scans your My UM card’s QR code, they will verify that you are a student/staff. If the QR code has expired, the system will show a QR Code Expired error. You can refresh your QR code by accessing the Student/Staff Card tile while connected to the Internet.
If you have never accessed your My UM card from the Student/Staff Card tile, your device needs to have an Internet connection to be able to generate the QR code for the first time. This QR code will then remain valid for 7 days, and you can present your My UM card even while your device is not connected to the Internet, as long as the QR code is still valid.
You need to access the Student/Staff Card tile again while your device is connected to the Internet to refresh the QR code for another 7 days.
The My UM card includes a QR valid until field that shows the expiry date and time of the QR code. If a third party scans your My UM card’s QR code after this date/time, the QR Code Expired error will be shown.
You need to access the Student/Staff Card tile again while your device is connected to the Internet to refresh the QR code for another 7 days. The third party will then be able to re-scan the QR code for validation.
If your My UM card was scanned and an Error message appeared indicating that the validation process encountered an error, there may have been a technical issue during the scanning process. Reload the Student/Staff Card tile and ask the third party to re-scan the QR code. If the issue persists, contact us via email or using the feedback form.
We encourage you to rate the app on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
Send feedback on the My UM app to or use the feedback form.