The UM Single sign-on (SSO) enables staff and students to access different UM services (e.g. Google Workspace, eSIMS, AIMS, VLE, eJournals etc.) by signing in once using their UM email address and password.
Once signed in, you will not be prompted to retype your email address and password again to access other UM services during the same browser session. Similarly, signing out from one UM service will automatically stop access to other UM services.
The UM SSO also provides access to notifications/alerts from the various UM services.
If you have a UM IT Account, you can access UM services as follows:
Click Sign In at the top-right corner of any UM webpage. The UM SSO screen will be displayed.
Enter your UM email address (or username) and password.
Your name and surname and any notifications will be displayed at the top-right of the screen. You can then access UM services that you have permission to use via the Current students and Staff drop-down menus (at the top-left of any UM webpage).
Alternatively, you can sign in by accessing a UM service directly. For example, if you sign in to eSIMS, you can then switch to other UM services without retyping your email address and password.
Note that:
If you have more than one type of UM IT Account (for example, you are both a student and staff of the University), the type of account is shown next to your name. The type of account will determine which services you have access to (e.g. if you are signed in as a student, you will not be able to access AIMS). To switch between accounts, sign out from one account and sign in with the email address and password of the other account.
Before entering your UM email address and password in any screen, you should routinely check that the web address of the page displayed in the browser begins with:
For example, you may receive an email prompting you to follow a link to sign in. When you follow this link, you may be automatically directed to a page with a different address. Confirming that the web address begins with will minimise the risk of entering your UM IT Account details in fake screens mimicking the UM SSO sign in page. This is especially important when you are accessing services for the first time.
Never enter your UM IT Account details in any webpage whose address does not start with
You can sign out by clicking Sign Out next to your name at the top-right corner of any UM webpage.
Note that:
Signing out of one UM service will automatically sign you out from all UM services accessed during the browser session.
It is of utmost importance that you sign out after using UM services, particularly if you are using a shared computer which is not set up with different computer accounts for different users. If you don't sign out or lock your user account on that computer, subsequent users of the computer may have total access to the UM services that you have permission to use.
Closing your web browser (e.g. Google Chrome) does not necessarily sign you out of the UM services. Other persons using your computer may have total access to these when they re-open the browser.
After signing in, the top-right corner of the UM webpage may display new notifications/alerts next to your name and surname. This section of the webpage is referred to as the notification area, which helps you keep up-to-date with new notifications related to the UM services that you have access to. These may include:
unread emails
unread eSIMS in-tray messages.
Each alert is identified by a specific icon which represents a particular service and a figure next to the icon that indicates the number of notifications for that particular service. Clicking the icon will take you directly to the service. When you access the service, the icon is automatically removed from the notification area.