Permission to access, amend and interact in study-unit / class areas within the UM VLE / JC VLE is determined by a system of roles. Academic staff and students who are registered to study-units / classes on SIMS (Student Information Management System) / SIMS JC are automatically granted the following roles on the respective VLE areas:
This role is automatically assigned to academic staff registered as tutors to their study-units / classes on SIMS / SIMS JC. It allows academics to access their study-unit / class areas, even when these are not yet available to students. Tutors can add, edit and remove teaching material such as course notes, reading lists, online articles, audio and video-clips etc. Tutors can create and access online activities such as discussion boards, wikis and assignment submissions. Tutors have access to students' participation records on study-unit / class areas.
This role is automatically assigned to students registered to their study-units / classes on SIMS / SIMS JC. Students are able to access teaching material and resources in study-unit / class areas. Students are able to participate in online activities such as discussion boards and wikis and they are able to submit assignments.
This role is automatically assigned to academic staff registered as dissertation / thesis supervisors on SIMS for any undergraduate or postgraduate student. In the case of undergraduate students, dissertation supervisors will have access to the general dissertation VLE area, e.g. EXA4010-YR-A-2122: Dissertation. In the case of postgraduate students, dissertation supervisors will have access to designated VLE area/s generated in the name of the student/s whom they are supervising, e.g. Maria Cassar - PG Dissertation/Thesis. Designated postgraduate VLE areas are available under the category PG Dissertations.
This role is automatically assigned to academic staff registered as dissertation / thesis examiners on SIMS for any undergraduate or postgraduate student. In the case of undergraduate students, dissertation examiners will have access to the general dissertation VLE area, e.g. EXA4010-YR-A-2122: Dissertation. In the case of postgraduate students, dissertation examiners will have access to designated VLE area/s generated in the name of the student/s whom they are examining, e.g. Maria Cassar - PG Dissertation/Thesis. Designated postgraduate VLE areas are available under the category PG Dissertations.
This role is automatically assigned to postgraduate students registered for their programme of study on SIMS. Dissertation students are able to access a designated VLE area generated in their name, e.g. Maria Cassar - PG Dissertation/Thesis, to submit their dissertation / thesis via Turnitin.
This role is automatically assigned to students registered on SIMS for study-units available for the general public. Auditing students are able to access teaching material and resources residing in study-unit areas that have been made available by the tutor/s.
You may use the online request form [Intranet] for the provision of VLE access (Guest Tutor, Content Developer or Guest Student) to other staff and students who cannot be registered on SIMS / SIMS JC.
This role is identical to the Tutor role (described above) except that it does not include the specific study-unit / class area in the VLE Copy Tool. Guest Tutor access is granted following a request from the tutor responsible for the study-unit / class area.
This role enables users to upload and manage course material and resources. Despite being capable of setting up forum activities, Content Developers do not have access to any posts submitted by students. However, Content Developers are able to view submitted students' assignments within the Assignment and Turnitin Assignment activities.
This role is identical to the Student role (described above). A student who is not registered on SIMS / SIMS JC to follow a specific study-unit / class may be granted guest access on the VLE study-unit / class area. Guest Student access is granted following a request from the tutor responsible for the study-unit / class area.