FAQ for Theatre & Performance

In the JC Prospectus you will find a general overview of what the course consists of. For a more detailed description of the course click on these link to the MATSEC syllabi page
  • You may wish to continue studying this subject at the University of Malta to obtain a first degree as well as Master and PhD. At first degree level there is the possibility to cross to the Faculty of Education to do a Master in Teaching and Learning (MTL) specialising in the teaching of drama.
  • The course will get you acquainted with the theatre scene in Malta. In the future you might wish to apply for auditions or courses offered by Teatru Manoel, Teatru Malta, and Spazju Kreattiv or apply for a job if a vacancy arises in one of these institutions.
  • The course will help you grow as a human being and it will make you aware of what you have to offer to yourself and to the community you live in. This will serve you for any future paths you will engage in.
As soon as you meet your lecturers for the first time, you will be guided as to when you are required to buy the books. 

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