
Subject Coordinator

Ms Antoinette Zammit Bugeja
Room C315

Greek subject information

Advanced level

Lectures: 4 hours per week
Tutorials: 1 hour per week
Seminars: 1 hours per week

Intermediate level

Lectures: 2 hours per week

Greek is offered at both Advanced and Intermediate levels

The study of Greek will help you discover its fundamental role and defining contribution in the development and establishment of European and world literacy and culture.  It is an intellectually stimulating language and as a student of Greek, you will be given an understanding of the culture and civilisation of Ancient Greece.

The Intermediate Level Course 

Greek at Intermediate level will help you familiarise yourself with some of the classical works of Greek literature. This course is designed to give you a good grounding in Greek grammar and syntax so that you can read and interpret selected passages from chosen ancient texts with confidence.  You will have the opportunity to study some of the main authors of Greek literature against their social and historical background; and an effort will be made to help you relate them to modern issues and problems.

A pass in Greek at SEC level is recommended to study this subject.

The Advanced Level Course

Greek at Advanced level is a thorough study of the language in all its various forms, from grammar to literature.  At this level, you will be introduced to Classical Greek. The course is designed to give you a thorough grounding in grammar and syntax up to the point where you can understand and translate passages of Greek literature into English and vice-versa. The second half of the course deals with two monumental works of Greek literature, Herodotus and Homer. This shall involve a close reading of parts of these texts and a discussion of the contexts in which they were composed.

A pass in Greek at SEC level is an highly recommended to study the subject further.

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