Last updated: 7 February 2025
Please refer to the official list of courses to check which courses are on offer in October 2025 [PDF]. It is recommended that you keep yourself updated on any changes on these lists.
The Dates and Deadlines page provides important information regarding application deadlines.
Different deadlines may be applicable for different courses. Course applications are to be submitted by the given deadline as per the list of courses. Some courses do not accept late applications.
The full entry requirements as stipulated in the University's regulations and bye-laws apply for admission to the University of Malta.
Applicants who intend to apply for an undergraduate UM course starting in October 2025 and will be presenting MATSEC qualifications following their examinations in 2025, should submit their application immediately after they receive their first result slip following the May/June Examinations session. Such applicants are required to apply for a UM course using the username and password which will only be available once the MATSEC result slip is issued.
Prospective UM applicants presenting the Matriculation Certificate Examination are encouraged to generate a report to view their different course options. Visit
Applicants who will be sitting for resit examinations in the September 2025 session should not wait until their resit results are issued but apply for their preferred course before the first deadline as indicated on our list of courses.
All other applicants who will be awaiting their results, and/or will be sitting for resits during the September 2025 session, should also apply for their preferred course by the first deadline as indicated on our October list.
UM makes a distinction between local and international admissions and each application is treated on its own merits. Applicants who are in possession of local qualifications are considered as local applicants, while applicants in possession of overseas qualifications are considered as international applicants. Generally, applicants in possession of qualifications that give access to recognised universities in their home country are accepted provided that these are of comparable standard to those required by UM and the course applied for does not require any special entry requirements.
After course applications are evaluated, the Office of the Registrar issues a decision letter to all applicants.
The Office of the Registrar, also provides advice to prospective applicants through its Student Advisory Services (SAS). SAS aims to assist prospective and current students seeking advice about study route choices and operates in close liaison with other UM specialised service units, in particular those like the Admissions & Records Office.
Prospective students may also apply for a course at undergraduate and taught postgraduate level at UM if they have gone through a range of learning experiences which include formal, non-formal and informal education. This is known at UM as Recognition and Accreditation of Prior Learning (RPL).