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University of Malta Intellectual Property (IP) Management Software

Welcome to the University of Malta's portal to access Patbase by Minesoft. This activity is being part-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) within the context of ESF Project 1.125 – Creating a Knowledge Transfer Framework and Technology Entrepreneurship Training Programme.

Access Patbase by Minesoft (can be accessed by staff at Knowledge Transfer Office only)

Operational Programme ESF with Maltese flag and EU flag

Digital Research to Innovation: Protect and Implement your Ideas

An overview on how research outputs with a digital component can be protected and commercialised as delivered by President and Co-Founder, Arundeep S. Pradhan and Managing Director, Michael Batalia of Apio Innovation Transfer (APIOiX).

Session 1: General overview of IP Protection Measures  

Session 2: Protecting Digital Innovation  

The training was delivered as part of the Italia-Malta cooperation project IKNOW, (Interregional Key Networking for Open Innovation EmpoWerment) and is funded by the European Regional Development Fund.