University of Malta Intellectual Property (IP) Management Software
Welcome to the University of Malta's portal to access Patbase by Minesoft. This activity is being part-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) within the context of ESF Project 1.125 – Creating a Knowledge Transfer Framework and Technology Entrepreneurship Training Programme.
Access Patbase by Minesoft (can be accessed by staff at Knowledge Transfer Office only)
Digital Research to Innovation: Protect and Implement your Ideas
An overview on how research outputs with a digital component can be protected and commercialised as delivered by President and Co-Founder, Arundeep S. Pradhan and Managing Director, Michael Batalia of Apio Innovation Transfer (APIOiX).
Session 1: General overview of IP Protection Measures
Session 2: Protecting Digital Innovation
The training was delivered as part of the Italia-Malta cooperation project IKNOW, (Interregional Key Networking for Open Innovation EmpoWerment) and is funded by the European Regional Development Fund.