The Taxi Guidance and Control functions developed by the University of Malta are algorithms that support the automatic taxi of aircraft on airfields without direct pilot intervention.
The guidance system is based on optical (visible light and infra-red) cameras located on the aircraft that detect the taxiway position in relation to the aircraft, with image processing algorithms providing information with respect to the taxiway centreline (cross-track and heading errors). This data is then fused with standard navigation systems (GPS/INS based) to locate the position of the aircraft on the airfield. The position, coupled with information relating to target time of arrival at key points on the airfield, provide outputs to the taxi control system.
The taxi control system controls the aircraft speed and manoeuvre (nosewheel control) to ensure the aircraft stays on the centreline of the taxiway, navigates corners and turns correctly and safely, and arrives at the specified control point on the airfield at the correct time. The algorithms can work with aircraft taxying under thrust (jet engines) as well as electric traction, whether installed on the aircraft or via tugs.