Biodegradable Iron for Orthopaedic Scaffold Applications - BIOSA

BioSA – Biodegradable Iron for Orthopaedic Scaffold Applications

Project Number: KD01JPB

The Invention

When a substantial part of the bone is missing, the healing process requires a filler in the form of a support structure called a scaffold. Traditionally, scaffolds can be either permanent or biodegradable. Permanent scaffolds either remain within the bone, leading to bone weakening, or are removed following a revision surgery.  On the other hand, biodegradable polymeric scaffolds are generally too weak for load-bearing applications while ceramic scaffolds tend to be too brittle for shock-loading. 

The BioSA implant includes a porous iron-based structure, to be used as a bone scaffold, which could degrade in the body. The implant is also patient specific in terms of size, shape and load bearing capability through the development of a specific alloy and the use of an innovative manufacturing route. 


The novelty lies primarily in the manufacturing technique used for the preparation of the patient-specific scaffold. The technique involves a relatively simple procedure where a 3D printed polymeric implant template could be directly used to positively replicate the design using metallic powder.

From a surgical perspective, it will be easier for the surgeon to implant it as a scaffold that is patient specific. The implant also reduces the need for revision surgery since the final product will be anti-bacterial and biodegradable, aiming to degrade at the rate of bone growth.


The scaffold would be useful to patients with bone loss defects due to trauma, infection or tumour.


Intellectual Property & Development Status

A UK patent application (Application No. 2009324.1) ) and a PCT application (Application No. PCT/EP2021/066480) were submitted by the University of Malta  in 2020 and 2021 and are currently under prosecution.

 The technology is in prototype stage and is undergoing in vitro toxicity testing.


Commercial interest

We are looking for potential licensees who may be interested in manufacturing the product or companies who may be interested in collaborating on further developments.


Prof. Ing. Joseph Buhagiar

Prof. Ing. Maurice Grech 

Prof. Pierre Schembri Wismayer

Dr Arif Rochman

Prof. Christian Scerri

Mr Ray Gatt

Mr Ryan Giordimaina

Ms Christabelle Tonna

Mr Luke Saliba

Mr Keith Sammut

Mr Matthew Sultana

Maria del Mar

Mr Albert Curmi

Mr Elton Galea

Other information

BioSA (R&I-2017-037T)  is being financed by the Malta Council for Science & Technology through FUSION: the Programme for Research & Innovation in Technological Development

Additional information on the BIOSA Website.  You can also follow the team through Facebook


Contact Nicola Camilleri or the Knowledge Transfer Office.