VideO Light field Acquisition and REstoration

VideO Light field Acquisition and REconstruction - VOLARE

Project Number: KD03RFX


The Invention 

The state-of-the-art in augmented-reality (AR), virtual-reality (VR) and cinematic recording is the Lytro Immerge 2.0, using a rig of ninety-five (95) cameras. This technology allows digital refocusing after capture and facilitates 3D modelling and the realistic integration of computer-generated content. The major hurdle is that this system is too expensive for most productions. The VoLARe project involves the design and development of a low-cost video light field capturing prototype which aims to reduce the number of cameras by a factor of nine (9) thus reducing the throughput down to 30 Gbps. The major challenge in this project is to develop spatial, angular and temporal restoration techniques to improve the quality of the captured video light field. 

The Novelty

The technology aims to reduce the throughput generated by the camera rig from which allows for relatively inexpensive technology to be used to store raw video in real-time while also allowing the storage of longer videos.  The system would also operate with a reduction in the number of cameras and their specifications, when compared to current systems available on the market. The system also aims to restore a video light field with quality similar to that obtained using a dense camera rig.


This technology will target the international AR/VR and entertainment markets including the integration of computer-generated imaging in TV and movies.  It would be of specific interest to AR/VR content creators and medium to low budget TV and movie productions.

Development Status

The algorithms suitable to restore light field images have been on real-world light field data and tested in a lab environment. The team are working on successfully integrating the hardware and software component which will enable them to test the prototype in an intended environment (On completion, the technology will be at TRL6).

Lead Originator

Dr Ing. Reuben Farrugia 

Other Information

The project is financed by the Malta Council for Science & Technology (MCST), for and on behalf of the Foundation for Science and Technology, through the FUSION: R&I Technology Development Programme.



Contact Nicola Camilleri or the Knowledge Transfer Office.