At the Legal Office we deal with a multi-faceted spectrum of areas/branches/fields of law ranging from employment (labour), EU (particularly funding), public procurement, intellectual property rights, company, fiscal and administrative to collective bargaining, criminal (particularly theft, bodily harm, harassment, voluntary damage to property, libel, forgery, fraud, false declarations, copyright infringement and/or counterfeiting) and civil matters (significantly in relation to disputes concerning immovable properties and expropriations).
We handle cases of a civil (including administrative), criminal and constitutional (human rights) nature before the Courts of Justice, the Malta Arbitration Centre, the Public Contracts Review Board, the Parliamentary Ombudsman, the Parliamentary Petitions Committee, the Industrial Tribunal, the Commissioner for Higher Education and quasi-judicial and/or other administrative tribunals. We provide company secretarial services to the University Group of Companies and legal assistance in the administration of University Foundations and Trusts.
We provide ongoing legal advice on a variety of issues concerning University of Malta (UM) matters to the principal officers and/or the UM Senior Executive Committee, including the Rector, Pro-Rectors, Secretary, Registrar, Librarian, Directors, Deans, Deputy Deans, Heads of Department, academic staff members and members of the industrial, technical and administrative staff.
We draft all deeds, contracts and agreements which are eventually signed by Rector, UM's legal representative. We draft regulations, statutes, legal notices, bye-laws and any other legal instrument and/or policy for UM or any of its entities including Faculties, Institutes, Centres, Foundations, Consortia and Trusts. We also liaise with UM offices and departments for project management, policy-making and the formulation of the UM strategic plan.
Members of the Legal Office sit on various Boards, Committees and Working Groups, the majority of which are appointed by Council and Senate.