The Helpdesk at the Melitensia Department provides information to patrons on the collections housed in the department. No browsing is allowed in the Melitensia Department and users are required to make a request through the HyDi. Refer to the guidelines on how to make an online request [PDF]. The requested items are then fetched from the stacks by staff. Patrons can consult the material in the reading room and, in some instances, borrow the material.
Most of the material which makes up the Melitensia Special Collections is available online on HyDi, the Library’s online catalogue.
However, a number of older works, albeit an ever decreasing number, whose bibliographic details have not yet been entered into the database can only be traced through the old card catalogues located within this Department. The card catalogues are divided into author/title catalogue from 1981 to May 1992. Please note that these dates refer to the particular year when a book was assigned by the Library and not to its dates of publication.
For all works after 1992, consult HyDi. In general, when making a known search, the best way to find a book is by author or by title. If this information is not known, use the subject or free text option.