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Title: Ultrasound of the wrist ligaments
Authors: Vassallo, Pierre
Keywords: Ligaments, Articular
Musculoskeletal system -- Ultrasonic imaging
Musculoskeletal diseases
Ultrasonic imaging
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: Medical Portals Ltd.
Citation: Vassallo, P. (2011). Ultrasound of the wrist ligaments. The Synapse, (4), 26-27
Abstract: Injuries of the intrinsic and extrinsic wrist ligaments can lead to chronic wrist pain and carpal instability, while injuries of the triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) are a frequent cause of ulnar-sided wrist pain. In the recent past, magnetic resonance (MR) arthrography was the preferred imaging modality for the evaluation of these structures, but good results can also achieved with standard MR imaging, computed tomographic (CT) arthrography and more recently ultrasonography (US). Advantages of US of the wrist over MR imaging and MR arthrography include: lower cost, no intraarticular injection of contrast material, no ionizing radiation, no limitations due to MR incompatible implants, and real-time visualisation with possible dynamic evaluation. However US is operator dependent and requires high quality equipment.
Appears in Collections:The Synapse, Issue 4
The Synapse, Issue 4

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