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Title: Neurogenic disturbances of cardiac rhythm
Authors: Loh, Daniel
Pullicino, Patrick
Keywords: Arrhythmia -- Manifestation
Stroke -- Etiology
Epilepsy -- Etiology
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Malta Medical Journal
Citation: Malta Medical Journal. 2014, Vol.26(3), p. 41-45
Abstract: Arrhythmias are disturbances of electrical activation of the heart and are commonly encountered clinical conditions. Although typically associated with cardiac pathology, they have also been described in stroke and epilepsy. Two closely related structures, the insula and the temporal lobe, particularly the mesial region, have been implicated. Derangement of central autonomic control appears to be a key driver in neurogenic arrhythmogenesis and both these structures appear to play some role in influencing autonomic activity. Our understanding of this phenomenon is only in its infancy, and more research will be necessary to further it.
Appears in Collections:MMJ, Volume 26, Issue 3
MMJ, Volume 26, Issue 3

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