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Title: Ethical considerations when carrying out research in one’s own academic institution
Authors: Caruana, Simon
Keywords: Education, Higher
Continuing education centers
Universities and colleges -- Graduate work
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: University of Malta. Junior College
Citation: Symposia Melitensia. 2015, No 10, p. 61-71
Abstract: This particular kind of research brings about a series of ethical considerations that may be quite unique to this scenario. One needs to mention the dual role of employee and researcher held by the person carrying out the research. There will certainly be ethical issues that one needs to consider when carrying out research on the institution where one’s colleagues, superiors, students, administration, and support staff, etc are found as they will form part of the research itself. This may ultimately lead the researcher to face conflicting values and beliefs that may affect the objectivity of the researcher and ultimately the validity of the research process itself.
ISSN: 1812-7509
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - JCCom & IT
SymMel, 2015, Volume 10
SymMel, 2015, Volume 10

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