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Title: Marketing concerns of a developing economy
Authors: Narver, John C.
Keywords: Malta -- Economic conditions
Malta -- Economic policy
Marketing -- Economic aspects
Marketing -- Malta
Economic development -- Malta
Issue Date: 1974
Publisher: University of Malta. Faculty of Economics, Management and Accountancy
Citation: Narver, J. C. (1974). Marketing concerns of a developing economy. Economic and Social Studies, 3, 90-99.
Abstract: It is a pleasure to speak to you tonight on some 'Marketing Concerns of a Developing Economy'. Before beginning, I wish. to thank the Malta Chamber of Commerce, the Economic Society of Malta, and the Royal University of Malta for inviting me, and the United States Information Service for facilitating my visit. I accepted the invitation to speak on marketing and economic development with some hesitation, for I feared being cast an 'instant expert' with respect. to Maltese economic prospects and planning. Let me dispel any illusions that I stand before you prepared to indicate specifically the role of the various sectors of the economy or the precise manner in which marketing can best serve the interest of the total Maltese Society. The issues are far too complex and my contact with Malta far too limited to enable me to make any comments of a specific policy nature. Rather I intend my comments to provide a useful framework for considering economic development and the role of marketing - and thereby hopefully provide implications for Maltese economic planning. I invite your questions, for of necessity I am leaving much unsaid.
Appears in Collections:Economic and Social Studies, Volume 3, 1974
Economic and Social Studies, Volume 3, 1974

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