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Title: Some aspects of Hobby (Falco subbuteo) migration over Buskett
Authors: Thake, Martin A.
Keywords: Birds -- Malta
Eurasian hobby -- Migration -- Malta
Issue Date: 1979
Publisher: Malta Ornithological Society
Citation: Thake, M. A. (1979). Some aspects of Hobby (Falco subbuteo) migration over Buskett. Il-Merill, 19, 1-4.
Abstract: The Hobby Falco subbuteo is a long distance migrant, the western palaearctic population of which winters south of the Sahara. As there is little evidence of major concentrations at either end of the Mediterranean, it is generally held that in this species migration takes place on a broad front. Although a very few birds have been recorded in Malta during the breeding season, breeding has never been proved to occur nor is it likely to occur at the present time. The species' status in the Maltese islands has recently been reviewed. This paper deals with some aspects of the species' migration over Buskett.
Appears in Collections:Il-Merill : issue 19 : 1978
Il-Merill : issue 19 : 1978

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