Browsing by Author Azzopardi, Joseph G.
Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2016 | Comparing Malta and USA police officers’ individual and organizational support on outcomes | Farr-Wharton, Ben; Azzopardi, Joseph G.; Brunetto, Yvonne; Farr-Wharton, Rod; Herold, Natalie; Shriberg, Art |
2017 | Comparing the impact of management support on police officers’ perceptions of discretionary power and engagement : Australia, USA and Malta | Brunetto, Yvonne; Farr-Wharton, Ben; Farr-Wharton, Rod; Shacklock, Kate; Azzopardi, Joseph G.; Saccon, Chiara; Shriberg, Art |
2016 | Culture and intellectual capital : towards a conceptual framework | Gupta, Uma; Massa, Nathaniel P.; Azzopardi, Joseph G. |
2020 | Editorial : the changing local labour market and the changing HR professional | Cassar, Vincent; Baldacchino, Godfrey; Azzopardi, Joseph G. |
2013-04 | The five Cs of intellectual capital : two additional dimensions of assessment | Gupta, Uma; Azzopardi, Joseph G. |
2000-04-13 | Industry and manpower : unleashing Gozo’s potential | Azzopardi, Joseph G. |
2012-09 | Investigating motivations and volunteering outcomes in local government : evidence from Malta | Bezzina, Frank; Azzopardi, Joseph G.; McKiernan, Peter |
2016 | Laudato sì : the human implications for business and political leaders | Azzopardi, Joseph G. |
2018 | Learning from experience in a national healthcare system : organizational dynamics that enable or inhibit change processes | Dalmas, Miriam; Azzopardi, Joseph G. |
2019 | Malta and its human resources : management and development perspectives | Baldacchino, Godfrey; Cassar, Vincent; Azzopardi, Joseph G. |
2015 | The matching of motivations to affordances among Maltese elected local government volunteers : implications for sustaining civil society | Bezzina, Frank; Cassar, Vincent; Azzopardi, Joseph G.; McKiernan, Peter |
2007-06 | Nirrangaw : a social psychological process in an island community | Azzopardi, Joseph G.; Mann, Pete |
2006 | Nirrangaw – a basic social psychological process in an island community | Azzopardi, Joseph G.; Mann, Pete |
2015 | Solving problems, the island way : human resourcefulness in action among the islanders of Gozo | Azzopardi, Joseph G. |
1995 | Training for flexibility and changing technologies | Azzopardi, Joseph G. |