Browsing by Author Baldacchino, Leonie

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 50  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Are STEM students creative thinkers?Borg Preca, Christabel; Baldacchino, Leonie; Briguglio, Marie; Mangion, Margaret
2011The artisan : a sustainable entrepreneurBaldacchino, Leonie; Cutajar, Christine
2022Assessing creativity in secondary schools : a focus on the impact of an arts-based interventionBriguglio, Marie; Baldacchino, Leonie; Mangion, Margaret
2016Best practices in teaching entrepreneurship and creating entrepreneurial ecosystems in EuropeBaldacchino, Leonie; Geurts, Janne; Migon, Marta Paulina; Politanska, Justyna; Pulis Xerxen, Shirley; Weiner, Elizabeth
2014Capturing entrepreneurial intuition : a multi-method approachBaldacchino, Leonie; Ucbasaran, Deniz; Lockett, Andy
2014Capturing intuition through concurrent protocol analysis.Baldacchino, Leonie; Ucbasaran, Deniz; Lockett, Andy; Cabantous, Laure
2022Cognitive versatilityBaldacchino, Leonie
2013Cognitive versatility and opportunity identification : the role of experience, intuition and analysisBaldacchino, Leonie; Ucbasaran, Deniz; Lockett, Andy; Cabantous, Laure
2022Coping with COVID-19 : the effects of entrepreneurs' coping strategies on their psychological well-beingBaldacchino, Leonie
2018Creativity and digital literacy : skills for the futureDingli, Sandra M.; Baldacchino, Leonie
2019Creativity, entrepreneurship and innovationBaldacchino, Leonie
2014Do it again! Recent developments in the study of habitual entrepreneurship and a look to the futureUcbasaran, Deniz; Baldacchino, Leonie; Lockett, Andy
2024The effects of coping strategies on entrepreneurs' psychological well-being under uncertaintyBaldacchino, Leonie; Sassetti, Sara
2023-06The effects of entrepreneurs' dark and light traits on their coping strategies and psychological well-beingBaldacchino, Leonie
2022The effects of intuition and analysis on high-tech opportunity exploitation decisions.Baldacchino, Leonie; Boffa, Nadia
2009Entrepreneurial creativity and innovationBaldacchino, Leonie
2015Entrepreneurship research on intuition : a critical analysis and research agendaBaldacchino, Leonie; Ucbasaran, Deniz; Cabantous, Laure; Lockett, Andy
2014Experience and opportunity identification : the role of intuition and cognitive versatilityBaldacchino, Leonie; Ucbasaran, Deniz; Cabantous, Laure
2022Fostering creativity as a 21st century skill through STEMBorg Preca, Christabel; Baldacchino, Leonie; Briguglio, Marie; Mangion, Margaret
2013Fostering entrepreneurship through education : a handbook for teachersBaldacchino, Leonie; Pulis-Xerxen, Shirley