Browsing by Author Bezzina, Joseph

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 135  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017350 sena ilu tressqet l-ewwel petizzjoni għat-twaqqif tal-Parroċċa tal-GħarbBezzina, Joseph
2018Anton F. Attard : an expert in the Folklore and History of Gozo 1943-2018Bezzina, Joseph
1999Antonio Saliba : the first cartographer, astronomer, and astrologistBezzina, Joseph
1994The art of Gozo laceBezzina, Joseph
1987Asylum in Malta : a British Offer to Pope Pius IXBezzina, Joseph
2004Attitudes of nurses towards patients who self-harmBezzina, Joseph
1995The authors of the seminar papersBriguglio, Lino; Bezzina, Joseph
2011-06Bandu dwar il-bejgħ tal-ilma fis-SajfBezzina, Joseph
2010-12Bandu għat-taħħanaBezzina, Joseph
2021Bernardo De Opuo : fact or fiction?Bezzina, Joseph
1992The Bishop's Archives, Gozo : a descriptive hand-list, including a chronological list of bishops and provicarsBezzina, Joseph
1983British Diplomacy and the election of Bishop Gaetano Pace FornoBuhagiar, Mario; Bezzina, Joseph
1997The British rule and Gozo 1800-1964Bezzina, Joseph
2003Cheese-makingBezzina, Joseph
2016-12Computer recognition of sheet musicBezzina, Joseph
2002Developing norms for the ecclesiastical archives of the futureBezzina, Joseph
1995The development and consolidation of the village unit in Gozo after 1575Bezzina, Joseph
1996Dun Joe Calleja Vigajru ParrokkjaliParish of the Assumption (Victoria, Malta); Bezzina, Joseph
2010-11Dun Saver Politano għall-Avvent u r-Randan fil-MatriċiBezzina, Joseph
2007-01-21The episcopal lineage of Archbishop CremonaBezzina, Joseph