Browsing by Author Bianco, Lino

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 124  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Adaptive re-use of historic covered markets : a review of selected cases in European capital citiesBianco, Lino
2021Architectural ruins : Geoculture of the anatomy of buildings as illustrated by Casa Ippolito, MaltaBianco, Lino
2021Architecture and urban design in contemporary Georgia : A comprehensive review of the work of Shota BostanashviliBianco, Lino
2023Architecture, engineering and building science : the contemporary relevance of Vitruvius’s De ArchitecturaBianco, Lino
2018Architecture, values and perception : Between rhetoric and realityBianco, Lino
1991-08-04The art and science of buildingBianco, Lino
2017Beyond geodesign : The architecture of sitesynthesisBianco, Lino
2017Bio-retexturing in limestone used in the built heritage of MaltaBianco, Lino
2023Biophilic design : the case for MaltaFarrugia, Gabrielle; Bianco, Lino
2021Book review : Godfrey A. Pirotta, Malta : selected essays in governance and public administrationBianco, Lino
2019Book review : Lines of defence : Fortification drawings of the Baroque Age at the National Library of MaltaBianco, Lino
2022[Book Review] Godfrey Pirotta : il-politika ta' ħajti by Mario Thomas VassalloBianco, Lino
2019Book reviews : Sekhniashvili Nino – Bostanashvili David : Shota Bostanashvili poetics of architectureBianco, Lino
1998Buddhist syllogistic theoryBianco, Lino
2021Buddhist syllogistic theoryBianco, Lino
2018Building science and professional ethics in nineteenth-century ecclesiastical architecture in MaltaBianco, Lino
2016Butza : architect Victor JorbenadzeBianco, Lino
2017Cartographic representations in early eighteenth century Baroque MaltaBianco, Lino
2000Case for the retention of the status quo regarding the exportation of Maltese Stone : A pre EU accession report for the Government of MaltaLino Bianco & Associates; Bianco, Lino
2016Celebrating the legacy of Cyril and Methodius : apostles of culture and educationBianco, Lino