Browsing by Author Brecht, Bertolt

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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1988-11-12Arturo ui il-gangster (Theater program)Ateatru; Schranz, John J.; Mallia, Salvu; Brecht, Bertolt
n.d.Arturo Ui il-gangster (Theater script)Ateatru (Drama group); Brecht, Bertolt
1988-11Arturo Ui' : Il-gangster (Theatre programme)Manoel Theatre; Ateatru; Brecht, Bertolt; Schranz, John; Mallia, Salvu
n.d.Galileo (Theater script)Azzopardi, Mario; Brecht, Bertolt; Bartolo, Evarist
1986-03-21Il-hajja ta' Galileo (Theater program)Fondazzjoni Guze Ellul Mercer; Brecht, Bertolt; Bartolo, Evarist; Azzopardi, Mario
1988-12-09L-azzarini ta' Senora Carrar (Theater program)Politeatru; Vella, Paul; Brecht, Bertolt
n.d.L-Opra tat-tlett habbiet (Theater script)Gatt, Guzi; Brecht, Bertolt
1986-05L-opra tat-tliet ħabbiet (Theatre programme)Manoel Theatre; Bank of Valletta; Ateatru; Brecht, Bertolt; Gatt, Ġużè; Weill, Kurt; Abela, Pawlu; Fenech, Michael
2022-09Ma Kuraġġ u Wliedha (Theatre programme)Teatru Malta; Manoel Theatre; Brecht, Bertolt; Vella, Loranne; Cafà, Jean-Marc
1989-01-27Mother courage and her children (Theater program)Atturi Productions; Central Cigarette Company Limited; Brecht, Bertolt; Bentley, Eric; Friggieri, Joe
1989-01Mother Courage and her children (Theatre programme)Manoel Theatre; Central Cigarette Company Limited; Atturi Productions; Brecht, Bertolt; Bentley, Eric; Friggieri, Joe
1988-03Negozjant ighaddi guri (Theater program)Caruana, Charles; Politeatru; Brecht, Bertolt; Ellul, Anthony
1986-05-03Opra tat-tliet habbiet (Theater program)Ateatru; Bank of Valletta; Brecht, Bertolt; Gatt, Guze; Weill, Kurt
1989-11Paduk u l-prostituta (Theater program)Politeatru; Brecht, Bertolt
n.d.The Theatre of Bertolt BrechtBrecht, Bertolt; Willett, John