Browsing by Author Calvi, Marco

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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Advanced operational models of the apple X undulatorLiang, X.; Calvi, Marco; Kittel, Christoph; Schmidt, Thomas J.; Sammut, Nicholas
2021Analysis of the first magnetic results of the PSI APPLE X undulators in elliptical polarisationLiang, Xiaoyang; Calvi, Marco; Couprie, Marie-Emmanuelle; Romain, Ganter; Kittel, Christoph; Sammut, Nicholas; Schmidt, Thomas; Valleau, Mathieu; Zhang, Kai
2004Axis measurements, field quality and quench performance of the first LHC short straight sectionsSanfilippo, Stephane; Smirnov, Nikolai E.; Schnizer, Pierre; Sammut, Nicholas; Pugnat, Pierre; Bottura, Luca; Siemko, Andrzej; Calvi, Marco; Chohan, Vinod; Stafiniak, Andrzej; Walckiers, Louis; Hagen, Per; Todesco, Ezio; Tortschanoff, Theodor; Simon, Fabrice; Durante, Maria J.
2020Calibration and characterization of a reduced form-factor high accuracy three-axis teslameterCassar, Johann; Sammut, Andrew; Sammut, Nicholas; Calvi, Marco; Mitrovic, Zarko; Popovic, Radivoje S.
2022Demonstration of enhanced FEL performance with optical klystrons and helical undulatorsKittel, Christoph; Calvi, Marco; Wang, Guanglei; Prat, Eduard; Sammut, Nicholas
2019Design and development of a reduced form-factor high accuracy three-axis teslameterCassar, Johann; Sammut, Andrew; Sammut, Nicholas; Calvi, Marco; Dimitrijevic, Sasa; Popovic, Radivoje S.
2024Enhanced X-ray free-electron laser performance with optical klystron and helical undulatorsKittel, Christoph; Calvi, Marco; Reich, Sven; Sammut, Nicholas; Wang, Guanglei; Prat, Eduard
2019Experience with short-period, small gap undulators at the SwissFEL aramis beamlineSchmidt, Thomas J.; Calvi, Marco; Kittel, Christoph; Voulot, Didier; Hiller, Nicole; Schietinger, Thomas; Prat-Costa, E.; Bettoni, Simona; Reiche, Sven; Ferrari, Eugenio; Aiba, Masamitsu; Ganter, Romain; Löhl, F.; Alarcon, Arturo; Wagner, Ulrich H.; Follath, Rolf; Juranic, Pavle N.; Arrell, Christopher A.; Scherrer, Paul; Cassar, Ariana; Sammut, Nicholas
2024Experimental results of a YBCO bulk superconducting undulator magnetic optimizationCalvi, Marco; Arsenault, Alexandre; Liang, Xiaoyang; Schmidt, Thomas; Dennis, Anthony R.; Durrell, John H.; Gafa, Carlos; Sammut, Andrew; Sammut, Nicholas; Ainslie, Mark D.; Kinjo, Ryota; Zhang, Kai; Hellmann, Sebastian
2005Focusing strength measurements of the main quadrupoles for the LHCBottura, Luca; Deferne, Guy; Sammut, Nicholas; Sanfilippo, Stephane; Marco, Joseph di; Smirnov, Nikolai E.; Calvi, Marco
2018Magnetic assessment and modelling of the Aramis undulator beamlineCalvi, Marco; Camenzuli, Christian; Ganter, Romain; Sammut, Nicholas; Schmidt, Thomas J.
2019Operational model of the athos undulator beamlineKittel, Christoph; Calvi, Marco; Liang, X.; Schmidt, Thomas J.; Sammut, Nicholas
2020Optimization of a three-axes teslameter for the calibration of the next generation undulatorsCassar, Johann; Sammut, Andrew; Sammut, Nicholas; Calvi, Marco; Dimitrijevic, Sasa; Mitrovic, Zarko; Spasic, Sasa; Popovic Renella, Dragana; Popovic, Radivoje
2019Performance analysis of a reduced form-factor high accuracy three-axis teslameterCassar, Johann; Sammut, Andrew; Sammut, Nicholas; Calvi, Marco; Spasic, Sasa; Popovic Renella, Dragana
2023An X-ray free-electron laser with a highly configurable undulator and integrated chicanes for tailored pulse propertiesPrat, Eduard; Al Haddad, Andre; Arrell, Christopher; Augustin, Sven; Boll, Marco; Bostedt, Christoph; Calvi, Marco; Adrian, Cavalieri; Paolo, Craievich; Andreas, Dax; Philipp, Dijkstal; Ferrari, Eugenio; Rolf, Follath; Ganter, Romain; Geng, Zheqiao; Hiller, Nicole; Huppert, Martin; Rasmus, Ischebeck; Juranic, Pavle; Kittel, Christoph; Knopp, Gregor; Malyzhenkov, Alexander; Marcellini, Fabio; Neppl, Stefan; Reiche, Sven; Sammut, Nicholas; Schietinger, Thomas; Schmidt, Thomas; Schnorr, Kirsten; Trisorio, Alexandre; Vicario, Carlo; Voulot, Didier; Guanglei, Wang; Weilbach, Tobias