Browsing by Author Debono, Sandro

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Antonio Sciortino (1879-1947) - sculptures and drawingsDebono, Sandro
2015Antonio Sciortino and the National collectionDebono, Sandro
2014Art, patronage and resistance : three altar paintings and the aftermath of the 1614 Ottoman attackDebono, Sandro
2000-02-27Bejn fatti u ipotesiDebono, Sandro
2013Brushwork of identity : the politico-religious in Mattia PretiDebono, Sandro
2014Caravaggio on the frontierDebono, Sandro
2009Carlo Darmanin marmista u skultur fil-kartapesta : ħsibijiet u osservazzjonijiet f’għeluq il-mitt sena mill-mewtDebono, Sandro
2017Catalogue entries : Heraclitus and the Parable of the Good SamaritanDebono, Sandro
2021Collecting pandemic phenomena : reflections on rapid response collecting and the art museumDebono, Sandro
2024Conclusioni [in L’arte che parla : radio e podcast per la valorizzazione dei beni culturali]Debono, Sandro
2023Dialogs on museum resilienceNorn, Annesofie; Drubay, Diane; Debono, Sandro
2001El Yacente : ix-xbiha ta’ Kristu mejjet fil-Knisja Parrokjali :simbolizmu u ikonografijaDebono, Sandro
2017Frontier art history Malta : a case of 'betwixt and between'Debono, Sandro
2012Ghonnella : a British-styled allegory for twentieth-century MaltaDebono, Sandro
2011'Għeliem' - Riccardo Licata's Mediterranean soulDebono, Sandro
2008Id-disinn tal-bieb tal-Knisja ta’ Gesu Nazzarenu : ħżuż tal-Kavallier Vincenzo BonelloDebono, Sandro
2014Il caso dei disegni pretiani della collezione di Palazzo Abatellis una nuova letturaDebono, Sandro
2018Il Seicento fiammingo nella collezione Nazionale maltese : spunti e riflessioniDebono, Sandro
2004Il-kappellun tal-kurċifiss: artal Barokk skopert mill-ġdidDebono, Sandro
2017Il-kwadru tal-Immakulata Kunċizzjoni tal-istess fratellanzaDebono, Sandro